Subsurface Utilities CONNECT Edition Help

Using PondMaker

PondMaker is a feature that streamlines detention pond design by guiding you step-by-step through this process. PondMaker also assists by keeping track of information such as target outflows, pond volume estimates, outlet structure design trials, peak pond outflows, and maximum water surface elevations for multiple storm events and/or multiple ponds. With the click of a button, the numbers in this spreadsheet update automatically.

Note: A PondMaker worksheet contains the design data for multiple design trials of a single pond. If you have more than one pond in your system and wish to use PondMaker, you will need to set up a separate worksheet for each.

The PondMaker dialog box helps organize and reduce pond design iterations by systematically guiding you through the following iterative pond design sequence:

  1. Set up predevelopment and postdevelopment scenarios and alternatives. This step should be completed before you open PondMaker.
  2. Create PondMaker worksheet and enter design scenario configuration to establish target outflow rates.
  3. Estimate Pond Storage Requirements.
  4. Create Pond Dimensions.
  5. Outlet Design and Analysis.
  6. Routing Analysis.