Subsurface Utilities CONNECT Edition Help

Cross Section-Physical

Cross Section-Physical Attributes

Attribute Description
Elevation (Ground) The ground elevation for the currently highlighted node.
Section Type Lets you choose the cross-sectional shape of the currently highlighted element. You can select Trapezoidal Cross Section or Irregular Channel . The value chosen here affects the availability of other fields.
Station-Elevation Curve Lets you define station-elevation points that describe the shape of the irregular channel. Click the Ellipsis (…) button in this field to open the Station-Elevation Curve dialog box (see "Station-Elevation Curve/Depth Dialog Box"-131). This field is available only when the Section Type attribute is set to Irregular Channel .
Elevations Modifier The Elevations modifier is a constant value that will be added to each elevation value. This attribute is only used during SWMM calculations.
Meander Modifier The meander modifier is the ratio of the length of a meandering main channel to the length of the overbank area that surrounds it. This modifier is applied to all conduits that use this particular transect for their cross section. It assumes that the length supplied for these conduits is that of the longer main channel. The application will use the shorter overbank length in its calculations while increasing the main channel roughness to account for longer length. The modifier is ignored if it is left blank or set to 0.
Stations Modifier The Stations modifier is a factor by which the distance between each station will be multiplied when the transect data is processed by SWMM. Use a value of 0 if no such factor is needed. This attribute is only used during SWMM calculations.
Elevation (Invert) Lets you define the invert elevation at the currently highlighted element. This attribute is active only when the Section Type attribute is set to Trapezoidal Channel .
Bottom Width The width at the base of the cross section of the currently highlighted element. This attribute is active only when the Section Type attribute is set to Trapezoidal Channel .
Slope (Left Side) The left slope of the cross section of the currently highlighted element. This attribute is active only when the Section Type attribute is set to Trapezoidal Channel .
Slope (Right Side) The right slope of the cross section of the currently highlighted element. This attribute is active only when the Section Type attribute is set to Trapezoidal Channel .
Height The height of the cross section of the currently highlighted element. This attribute is active only when the Section Type attribute is set to Trapezoidal Channel .
Roughness Type The roughness method for the currently highlighted: Single Manning’s n , Manning’s - Depth Curve , or Manning’s n - Flow . The value chosen here affects the availability of some fields in the Physical section of the Property Editor.
Material The name of the material used. Alternatively, clicking the ellipsis button opens the Material Engineering Library, allowing you to select a pre-defined material. If a pre-defined material is chosen, the roughness value will change accordingly.
Left Bank Station The distance values appearing in the Station/Elevation grid that mark the end of the left overbank and the start of the right overbank. Use 0 to denote the absence of an overbank.
Right Bank Station The distance values appearing in the Station/Elevation grid that mark the end of the left overbank and the start of the right overbank. Use 0 to denote the absence of an overbank.
Left Overbank Manning’s n The Manning’s roughness of the left overbank.
Right Overbank Manning’s n The Manning’s roughness of the right overbank.
Channel Manning’s n The Manning’s roughness for the center of the channel.
Manning’s n The Manning’s roughness of the currently highlighted element. This attribute is active only when the Roughness Type attribute is set to Single Manning’s n .
Manning’s n-Depth Curve Lets you define points that describe a roughness-depth curve for the currently highlighted element. Click the Ellipsis (…) button in this field to open the Manning’s n-Depth Curve dialog box (see "Manning’s n–Depth Curve Dialog Box"-313). This attribute is active only when the Roughness Type attribute is set to Manning’s n-Depth Curve .
Manning’s n-Flow Lets you define points that describe a roughness-flow curve for the currently highlighted element. Click the Ellipsis (…) button in this field to open the Manning’s n-Flow Curve dialog box (see "Manning’s n–Flow Curve Dialog Box"-315). This attribute is active only when the Roughness Type attribute is set to Manning’s n-Flow .
Transition Type When you connect a channel to a conduit at a cross-section node, a transition part is added between the channel cross-section and the conduit cross-section. This field lets you specify the transition type of the currently highlighted cross-section node. You can select either Gradual or Abrupt . If you select Abrupt , the top width of the channel cross-section node is used as the length of the transition part. If you select Gradual , the Transition Length field is made available. If the Transition Length is larger than the top width of the cross-section node, the Transition Length value is used as the length of the transition part.
Note: Transition Type and Transition Length are not used for cross-section nodes that connect two channels.
Transition Length Lets you define the length of the transition between a channel cross-section and a conduit cross-section. This field is available only if you select Gradual as the Transition Type. If the user-specified transition length is smaller than the calculated transition (which is the channel width), the calculated transition is used in calculation.