Subsurface Utilities CONNECT Edition Help


Manhole-Physical Attributes

Attribute Description
Elevation (Ground) Displays the ground elevation for the currently highlighted node.
Set Rim to Ground Elevation? Enables or disables a data entry shortcut. If the value is True , the node’s rim elevation is set equal to the ground elevation automatically.
Elevation (Rim) Lets you define the top elevation of the currently highlighted node. This elevation is typically flush with the ground surface. In some cases, the rim elevation may be slightly below the ground surface elevation (sunk) or slightly above the ground surface elevation (raised).
Elevation (Invert) Lets you define the elevation at the bottom of the currently highlighted node. The invert elevation must be lower than the rim elevation or the calculation cannot continue.
Structure Shape Type Lets you choose the shape of the currently highlighted element. You can select Rectangular Structure or Circular Structure . The value chosen here affects the availability of other fields.
Diameter The diameter of the currently highlighted element. This field is available only when the Structure Shape Type attribute is set to Circular Structure .
Length The length of the currently highlighted element. This field is available only when the Structure Shape Type attribute is set to Rectangular Structure . When computing, CivilStorm assumes a minimum area of 10 sq ft for both manholes and catch basins even when the input dimension is a smaller area.
Width The width of the currently highlighted element. This field is available only when the Structure Shape Type attribute is set to Rectangular Structure .
Bolted Cover Lets you set whether a manhole has a bolted cover or not. A value of True in this field indicates that the associated manhole has a bolted cover. If the manhole cover is bolted, then the hydraulic grade line is not reset to the rim elevation at the downstream end of the upstream pipes in the case of a flooding situation (the calculated HGL being higher than the rim elevation).