Subsurface Utilities CONNECT Edition Help

GIS-ID Control Center

The GIS-ID Control Center is accessible on the Tools tab.

The GIS-ID Control Center shows all modeling elements in the current project. The table contains the following columns:

ID The ID of the modeling element.
Label The label of the modeling element. Relabel is not available with this table.
Element Type The domain element type of the modeling element.
GIS-IDs <Count> The number of GIS-IDs assigned to the modeling element. This is a read-only value.
GIS-IDs (Delimited) A comma delimited string representing the assigned GIS-IDs of the modeling element. If there are no GIS-IDs assigned this value is blank. The field is editable. Use a comma delimited string to add or remove GIS-IDs.

The toolbar contains the following buttons:

Export to File Export to a Tab Delimited file .txt, or a Comma Delimited File .csv.
Copy Lets you copy the contents of the selected table cell, rows, and/or columns for the purpose of pasting into a different row or column or into a text editing program such as Notepad.
Paste Lets you paste the contents of the Windows clipboard into the selected table cell, row, or column. Use this with the Copy button.
Zoom To Lets you zoom into and center the drawing pane on the currently selected element in the table.
Find Lets you find a user-defined string in the table.
Report Lets you create and view a report of your table.
Options Opens a submenu containing the following commands: Create Selection Set - Lets you create a new static selection set ( a selection set based on selection) containing the currently selected elements in the table. Add to Selection Set - Lets you add the currently selected elements in the table to an existing selection set. Remove from Selection Set - Removes the currently selected elements from an existing selection set.
Select In Drawing Opens a submenu containing the following commands: Select In Drawing - Selects the currently highlighted element(s) in the drawing pane. Add to Selection - Adds the currently highlighted element(s) to the group that is currently highlighted in the drawing pane. Remove From Selection - Removes the currently highlighted element(s) from the group that is currently highlighted in the drawing pane. Open on Selection - filters the table based on the current selection in the drawing. Open on All Rows - resets the filter to display all elements.
The status bar at the bottom of the GIS-ID Control Center dialog box contains the following items:
  • x of y elements displayed: Number of elements displayed in the GIS-ID Control Center of the total possible number of that type of element.
  • FILTERED-If you have applied a filter to the GIS-ID Control Center, this appears in the status bar. Hold the mouse cursor over this panel to display a tool tip, which lists a summary of active filters.
  • SORTED-If you have sorted the order of any items in the GIS-ID Control Center, this appears in the status bar. Hold the mouse cursor over this panel to display a tool tip, which lists a summary of active sorting.
Note: You can freeze columns such that they will remain stationary and visible even when scrolling by right clicking the desired column(s) and selecting the Freeze Column command. To unfreeze columns, right click and select the Unfreeze All Columns command.
Note: You can zoom to an element in the table by right clicking the corresponding row and selecting the Zoom To command. You can also zoom to each element sequentially by highlighting a row and pushing the Enter key.
Note: You can open a table containing a subset of the elements in the GIS-ID Control Center by highlighting the desired fields by holding the Ctrl key and clicking each of the fields to be edited, then right-clicking and selecting the Open On Selection command.
Note: To filter the table to just the selected elements in the drawing, use the "Open on Selection" item on the "Select in Drawing" drop-down button in the toolbar.