Subsurface Utilities CONNECT Edition Help

Storm Data and Runoff Methods

There are numerous methods for assigning wet weather flows to the models. You can directly enter Inflow hydrographs as a table of flow vs. time. Usually, however, it’s preferable to specify precipitation data and allow the hydrologic methods in the model to determine outflow from a catchment that outflows to the manhole.

Storm data is entered under Components > Storm Data.

From there user can add a collection of storm data and then select one of them as the global storm event, as rainfall-runoff-alternative data, for a scenario simulation.

You have several methods for specifying storm data which can also include long term precipitation data. Not all of the forms of storm data are compatible with all of the hydrology methods in the model. The table below summarizes compatibility between storm data and hydrology methods.

Each storm data group has a list of storm data. These are the storms available in the drop-down list in the global storm data dialog and local storm data setting on catchments.

You can create any number of storm data and these events can be used globally for all catchments (Components > Storm Data > Global Storm Data); or, some catchments can override the global event by selecting "Use Local Rainfall = True" and selecting an event other than the global event in the Property Grid for that catchment. The global and local storm data for each catchment can also be set in the Rainfall-Runoff Alternative.

In almost all cases, the storm data is assigned to a catchment (or globally to all catchments). The one exception is the SWMM RTK method where the rainfall and RTK coefficients are assigned to a manhole.

Time-Depth data can be either Incremental or Cumulative.

If modified rational method is selected for the runoff method, then modified rational hydrology must be used for all catchments.

IDF curves can be converted into Time-Depth tables.