Subsurface Utilities CONNECT Edition Help

Edit Template Drop

Used to edit the template within the selected template drop.

You can access this tool from the following:

  • Ribbon: Corridors > Edit

The Edit Template Drop tool displays the template defined within the selected template drop. While the dialog is the template library interface, keep in mind that the editing is only being done to the template within the template drop, not the actual template library. Therefore, if any changes are made, the template associated with the template drop is no longer in sync with the template library. For project specific circumstances, this may be required. The tools and options within the edit template drop function identically to those in the template library, except the File tools are not available.

If the changes are needed in the template library, use the Create Template tool.

To update the template associated with the template drop to match the template in the template library, use the Synchronize with Library tool. When this tool is used, the template from the template library overwrites the template associated with the template drop, so all changes are lost with no warning given.

For a detailed discussion of the functionality, see Template Library help.


  1. Select the Edit Template Drop tool.

  2. Locate the Template Drop. Select the template drop whose template needs editing. The Editing Roadway Design Template Drop dialog (whose interface is identical to the Template Library dialog) opens with the current template.

  3. Edit as needed. Click OK to close the dialog. You do not have to File > Save to save your edits (most File functions are ghosted out).