Subsurface Utilities CONNECT Edition Help


Pond-Physical Attributes

Attribute Description
Volume Type Lets you select the volume type that gets used: Elevation-Area Curve , Elevation-Volume Curve , Pipe Volume , Functional . The value chosen here affects the availability of other fields.
Elevation-Area Curve Lets you define points to describe the shape of the currently highlighted element. Click the Ellipsis (…) button in this field to open the Elevation-Area Curve dialog box ("Elevation-Area Curve Dialog Box"-230). This attribute is active only when the Volume Type attribute is set to Elevation-Area Curve .
Elevation-Volume Curve Lets you define points to describe the shape of the currently highlighted element. Click the Ellipsis (…) button in this field to open the Elevation-Volume Curve dialog box ("Elevation-Volume Curve Dialog Box"-232). This attribute is active only when the Volume Type attribute is set to Elevation-Volume Curve.
Number of Barrels Lets you define the number of barrels that comprise the currently highlighted element. Note that the diameter, length, and invert values are applied to each barrel. This field is available only when the Volume Type attribute is set to Pipe Volume .
Length Lets you define the length of the currently highlighted element. It is available only when the Volume Type attribute is set to Pipe Volume .
Invert (Start) The start, or upstream, invert of the currently highlighted element. It is available only when the Volume Type attribute is set to Pipe Volume .
Invert (Stop) The stop, or downstream, invert of the currently highlighted element. It is available only when the Volume Type attribute is set to Pipe Volume .
Pipe Diameter Lets you define the diameter of the currently highlighted element. It is available only when the Volume Type attribute is set to Pipe Volume .
Pond Coefficient "A" value in expression A*Depth^B+C for Depth in feet. This field is available only when the Functional Volume Type is chosen.
Pond Exponent "B" value in expression A*Depth^B+C for Depth in feet. This field is available only when the Functional Volume Type is chosen.
Elevation (Invert) The invert elevation of the currently highlighted pond.
Depth (Maximum Curve) The maximum depth allowed for the pond. If the value is zero, this value will be derived from the storage curve. Otherwise, the value will restrict or extrapolate the storage curve to the maximum depth specified.
Pond Constant "C" value in expression A*Depth^B+C for Depth in feet. This field is available only when the Functional Volume Type is chosen.