Subsurface Utilities CONNECT Edition Help

Scenario Chooser

The Scenario Chooser dialog allows you to select the type of analysis to use to identify the critical scenario, and the scenarios to be analyzed, with the Critical Storm Scenario Wizard.

The Scenario Chooser dialog displays all the scenarios in the model, in their hierarchical form. Each scenario is associated with a checkbox - check the box to select the scenario.

Not all scenarios are valid, and this is for one of these reasons:
  • Scenarios with the disabled scenario icon do not have results. These scenarios are greyed out, and cannot be checked.
  • Scenarios with a small red x in the corner do not use an appropriate solver (they use either GVF-Rational, or GVF-Convex using steady-state analysis) and cannot be checked.

Valid scenarios, therefore, are those which:

  • Have results.
  • Use the Implicit, Explicit or the GVF-Convex (using EPS) solvers.

There are four buttons in the toolbar at the top of the dialog:

  • Check All Valid Scenarios: This button checks all valid scenarios. Clicking the arrow next to the button opens a submenu containing the following commands:
    • Check All Valid Scenarios: This command checks all valid scenarios.
    • Check Children: This command checks all children of the selected scenario
    • Check Hierarchy: This command checks the currently selected scenario and its entire hierarchy
  • Uncheck All Scenarios: This button unchecks all scenarios. Clicking the arrow next to the button opens a submenu containing the following commands:
    • Uncheck All Scenarios: This command unchecks all scenarios.
    • Uncheck Children: This command unchecks all children of the selected scenario.
    • Uncheck Hierarchy: This command unchecks the currently selected scenario and its entire hierarchy.
  • Expand All: This button expands all scenarios in the tree.
  • Collapse All: This will collapse all scenarios in the tree.