Subsurface Utilities CONNECT Edition Help


Time tolerance: SCADA data may not be available at the time that the user requests it depending on the polling interval of the SCADA system. In order not to miss a valid data point because it does not fall exactly at the requested time, the user can specify a Tolerance. Specify the time tolerance for retrieval of historical data from the SCADA database. Time tolerance refers to the intervals centered about the specified time for the historical data query. The time tolerance should be large enough to cover the full range of signals to be retrieved. This is defined by the SCADA polling interval.

For example, if the time of a field data set for a historical data import is 12:00:00, then a time tolerance of three (3) minutes specifies a time span of six (6) minutes, from 11:57:00 to 12:03:00. This time span defines the query made against the SCADA system historical data by SCADAConnect and thus defines the range of valid time stamps for data loaded from the SCADA system into the model field data set.

Note: The time tolerance should be set to the smallest value possible that captures a full snapshot of SCADA data. Avoid unnecessarily large settings. Only whole numbers can be entered.
Note: The time tolerance only applies for a historical import in which historical data from the SCADA system are returned for the specified time span.

Enable Advanced Logging: When this check box is checked, the hydraulic model maintains a text log file. This log file will specially be helpful when you are not able to import the data and want to figure out what is occurring. Sometime this file may content technical terms which are beyond the normal hydraulic modeler. After looking at this log file, if you could not resolve the issue, contact Bentley Technical Support.

Generally the default location to this log file is at the following location:

Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\<User>\local Settings\Application Data\Bentley\SewerGEMS\8\SCADAConnect.log

Vista or higher: C:\Users\<User>\AppData\Local\Bentley\SewerGEMS\8\SCADAConnect.log