Subsurface Utilities CONNECT Edition Help

Rainfall Curves from CSV File

Used to create dimensionless rainfall curves from a CSV file.

This tool creates dimensionless rainfall curves from a CSV file of the correct format, such as the temporal pattern data that is available from the Australian Rainfall and Runoff Data Hub, at:

Dimensionless rainfall curves are combined with a rainfall depth to create rainfall hyetographs in Time-Depth or Time-Intensity formats.


Components > Catalog > Catalog > Rainfall Curves from CSV File


  1. Select the Rainfall CSV file that contains the rainfall data.

    The file is read, and the data is displayed in a tree structure.

  2. Uncheck any data that you do not want to import, then click OK.

    You can now browse the data in more detail. Select an item in the tree view on the left, to display its data on the right.

  3. Click the Export to Rainfall Curve Engineering Library button.
  4. Select a location to save the XML file, which for a standard installation will be:


    By default, the name of the XML file will be the same as that of the CSV file.

  5. Click Save.

    Once the XML file has been created, a message will be displayed. It can take a few moments to create the file, as there may be a lot of data to write.

  6. Click OK.
  7. If you select an existing XML file in step 5, and the data that you are importing already exists in that file, then you can choose whether to append to it or overwrite it.

The data will now be available in the Components > Catalog > Catalog > Engineering Libraries > Dimensionless Rainfall Curves dialog.

CSV File Format

The file format expected is comma separated, with the following data in row 1:

EventID, Duration, TimeStep, Region, AEP, Increments,

After row 1, the data is expected to be comma separated fields in the following format:

  • EventID - alphanumeric characters
  • Duration - integer number, in minutes
  • TimeStep - integer number, in minutes
  • Region - alphanumeric characters
  • AEP - must be one of three values, "frequent", "intermediate", or "rare"
  • Increments - number, in percent. The sum of the values must equal 100. The number of values must equal Duration / TimeStep, so if Duration equals 15, and TimeStep equals 5, then 3 Increment values are expected.