Subsurface Utilities CONNECT Edition Help

Import Template from Graphics

Used to import the template in the Create Template command.

You can access this tool from the following:

  • Ribbon: Corridors > Create > Template split button

After graphically creating a template and identifying the active selection set, use this command to import the template in the Create Template command.

Default Style

specifies the style applied to all created components.


displays the type of template that is imported.

Template and End Conditions

indicates a template with left and/or right side end conditions.


indicates a backbone template.

End Condition

indicates an end condition component.

Vertical Exaggeration of Graphics

specifies the vertical exaggeration of the original graphics. Y values are divided by this value when graphics are imported in the template.

Minimum Chord Length of Curved Elements

specifies the value by which to reduce the number of created points. This setting takes the complex shapes or curved element (or all elements when contained within a complex element) and strokes the element based on the File > Project Options> Tolerances> Horizontal Chord Height value. Points of the template are then placed at the stroked vertex of the closest point exceeding the distance entered here as the minimum chord length.


imports the template.