Subsurface Utilities CONNECT Edition Help

Tooltip Customization

Tooltip customization allows you to define what data is displayed in the tooltip that appears when you hover over an element in the drawing pane.

Tooltip Customization settings can be created for a single project or shared across projects. There are also a number of predefined profiles.

The Tooltip Customizations Manager consists of the following controls:
  • New: This button opens a submenu containing the following commands:
    • Folder: This command creates a new folder under the currently highlighted node in the list pane.
    • Customization: This command creates a new customization profile under the currently highlighted node in the list pane.
  • Delete: This button deletes the currently highlighted folder or customization profile.
  • Rename: This button allows you to rename the currently highlighted folder or customization profile.
  • Duplicate: This button allows you to make a copy of the highlighted customization profile.
  • Make Active: This button allows you to make the currently highlighted customization profile the active one.
  • Edit: Opens the Tooltip Customization Editor dialog allowing you to edit the currently highlighted customization profile.
  • Help: Opens the online help.

Tooltip Customization Editor

This dialog allows you to define the tooltip customizations on a per-element basis.

On the left is a list of all of the element types. If the box for an element type is unchecked, no tooltip will be displayed for that element type.

Highlight an element type to define the tooltip in the pane on the upper right. You can type in the field or use the Append button to select from a number of predefined variables. After a tooltip using these variables has been defined, these variables will be populated with the associated values in the drawing pane after the model has been calculated.

The Preview pane displays an example of how the tooltip will look.