Subsurface Utilities CONNECT Edition Help

SWMM RTK Unit Hydrograph Dialog Box

You create SWMM RTK unit hydrographs in this dialog box. The dialog box contains a list pane with the following controls:

New Creates a new RTK unit hydrograph that uses an automatically created label.
Delete Deletes the currently highlighted RTK unit hydrograph.
Rename Lets you rename the currently highlighted RTK unit hydrograph.
Report Lets you generate a preformatted report that contains the input data associated with the currently highlighted RTK unit hydrograph.
Help Opens the online help.

The table on the top right allows you to define the default RTK and initial abstraction depth for all months. The first row is used to specify parameters for a short-term response hydrograph, the second for a medium-term response hydrograph, and the last for a long-term response hydrograph. It contains the following columns:

R The fraction of rainfall volume that enters the sewer system.
T The time from the onset of rainfall to the peak of the UH in hours.
K The ratio of time to recession of the UH to the time to peak.
Dmax The maximum depth of initial abstraction available (in rain depth units).
Drec The rate at which any utilized initial abstraction is made available again (in rain depth units per day).
Do The amount of initial abstraction that has already been utilized at the start of the simulation (in rain depth units).

The table at the bottom allows you to override the default RTK and/or abstraction depth for specified months. To override the default value, check the box for the corresponding row to enable the values in that row to be edited.