Subsurface Utilities CONNECT Edition Help

Statistics Editor

The Statistics editor allows the user to define the parameters for the statistical analysis.

The dialog consists of the following controls:

Result Type: Allows the user to define whether to perform a statistical analysis of individual elements or system statistics.

Element Label: Allows the user to choose the individual element for which to perform the statistical analysis. Click the ellipsis button to select the element in the drawing pane. This field is only available when the Result Type is set to Element.

Result Analyzed: This field allows the user to choose the result variable to be analyzed.

Event Time Period: This field allows the user to choose the length of the time period that defines an event. These can be Daily, Monthly, Annually or Event dependent. In the Event-Dependent case, the event period depends on the number of consecutive reporting periods where the simulation results are above the threshold values defined below in the Event Thresholds section of the dialog. That is, how much rain constitutes an event and what period of time between non-zero rain constitutes a separate event.

Statistic Type: This field allows the user to define the type of statistical analysis to perform. These include Mean, Peak, Total, Duration and Inter-event time.

Has Minimum Event Value: When this box is checked, the user can specify a minimum value that must be met for an event to occur.

Minimum Event Value: This threshold specifies the minimum value of the variable being analyzed that must be exceeded for a time period to be included in an event. This field is available when the Has Minimum Event Value box is checked. If for example, the precipitation intensity does not exceed this value, then it does not constitute and event.

Has Minimum Event Volume: When this box is checked, the user can specify a minimum volume that must be met for a result to be counted as part of an event.

Minimum Event Volume: This threshold specifies a minimum flow volume (or rainfall volume) that must be exceeded for a result to be counted as part of an event. If the value is 0, no volume threshold applies. This field is available when the Has Minimum Event Volume box is checked.

Separation Time: This field sets the minimum number of hours that must occur between the end of one event and the start of the next event. Event with fewer hours are combined together. The value applies only to event-dependent time periods.