Subsurface Utilities CONNECT Edition Help

Dimensionless Unit Hydrographs Dialog

Last updated: October 25, 2019

This dialog allows you to create the Q/Qp-T/Tp unit hydrographs that are used with the SCS Unit Hydrograph method.

The following controls are available in the Dimensionless Unit Hydrograph dialog box:

New This button creates a new hydrograph.
Delete This button deletes the currently highlighted hydrograph.
Duplicate This button creates a copy of the currently highlighted hydrograph.
Rename This button allows you to rename the currently highlighted hydrograph.
Report Opens a print preview window containing a report that details the input data for this dialog box.
Synchronization Options Clicking this button opens a submenu containing the following commands: Browse Engineering Library —Opens the Engineering Library manager dialog, allowing you to browse the Dimensionless Unit Hydrograph Library. Synchronize From Library —Lets you update a set of storm data previously imported from a Dimensionless Unit Hydrograph Library. The updates reflect changes that have been made to the library since it was imported. Synchronize To Library —Lets you update an existing Dimensionless Unit Hydrograph Library using current storm data that were initially imported but have since been modified. Import From Library —Lets you import a storm data from an existing Dimensionless Unit Hydrograph Library. Export To Library —Lets you export the current storm data to an existing Dimensionless Unit Hydrograph Library.
New Creates a new unit hydrograph that uses an automatically created label.
Delete Deletes the currently highlighted unit hydrograph.
Duplicate Craetes a copy of the currently highlighted unit hydrograph.
Rename Lets you rename the currently highlighted unit hydrograph.
Report Lets you generate a preformatted report that contains the input data associated with the currently highlighted unit hydrograph.
Synchronization Options Clicking this button opens a submenu containing the following commands: Browse Engineering Library —Opens the Engineering Library manager dialog, allowing you to browse the Dimensionless Unit Hydrograph Engineering Libraries. Synchronize From Library —Lets you update a set of unit sanitary loads previously imported from a Dimensionless Unit Hydrograph Engineering Library. The updates reflect changes that have been made to the library since it was imported. Synchronize To Library —Lets you update an existing Dimensionless Unit Hydrograph Engineering Library using current unit hydrograph ordinates that were initially imported but have since been modified. Import From Library —Lets you import a unit hydrograph from an existing Dimensionless Unit Hydrograph Engineering Library. Export To Library —Lets you export the current unit hydrograph to an existing Dimensionless Unit Hydrograph Engineering Library. Connect to Library —Opens the Engineering Library, allowing you to select a library to synchronize with the current entry.

The tab section includes the following controls:

Dimensionless Unit Hydrograph Curve Tab    
New This button creates a new row in the Q/Qp-T/Tp table.
Delete This button deletes the currently highlighted row from the Q/Qp-T/Tp table.
Notes Tab   This tab contains a text field that is used to type descriptive notes that will be associated with the hydrograph that is currently highlighted in the Dimensionless Unit Hydrograph Definition Pane.
Library Tab   This tab displays information about the hydrograph that is currently highlighted in the Dimensionless Unit Hydrograph Definition Pane. If the hydrograph is derived from an engineering library, the synchronization details can be found here. If the hydrograph was created manually for this model, the synchronization details will display the message Orphan (local), indicating that the hydrograph was not derived from a library entry.
Dimensionless Unit Hydrograph Curve Tab  
T/Tp Column Q/Qp is the ratio of actual flow to the peak flow of the unit hydrograph.
Q/Qp Column T/Tp is the ratio of actual time to the time-to-peak.
Notes Tab This tab provides a text field that lets you enter descriptive notes for the unit hydrograph that is currently highlighted in the list pane.
Library Tab This tab displays information about the unit hydrograph that is currently highlighted in the list pane. If the hydrograph is derived from an engineering library, the synchronization details can be found here. If the hydrograph was created manually for this model, the synchronization details will display the message Orphan (local), indicating that the hydrograph was not derived from a library entry.