Subsurface Utilities CONNECT Edition Help

Engineering Profile Viewer Dialog Box

This dialog box displays the profile view of the profile run that is plotted from the Profile Manager. It consists of the profile display pane and the following controls:

Tools Opens a submenu containing the following commands:
  • Options: Opens the profile options dialog, which allows you to change various display options for engineering profiles.
  • Ground Profile Options: Opens the Ground Profile Options dialog, which allows you to define the line representing ground elevation in the engineering profile view.
  • Profile Annotation Table Options: Opens the Annotation Table Options dialog, allowing you to define various display options for the Profile Annotation Table.
  • Show Profile Annotation Table: This command toggles on/off the visibility of the Profile Annotation Table.
  • Export to DXF: Allows you to export the engineering profile as a dxf file.
  • Save Annotation Definition Settings as Default: Saves the current annotation definition settings as the default to be used when future engineering profiles are created.
Print Preview Opens a submenu containing the following options:
  • Fit to Page: The view will be zoomed in or out so that the current view fits to a single page of the default page size.
  • Scaled: The view will be scaled so that it matches the user-defined drawing scale.
Undo Cancels your most recent action.
Redo Lets you redo the last cancelled action.
Zoom Extents Magnifies the profile so that the entire graph is displayed.
Zoom In Allows you to increase the zoom level of the current view by one step per mouse click.
Zoom Out Allows you to decrease the zoom level of the current view by one step per mouse click.
Zoom Window Lets you magnify or reduce the display of a section of the graph. To zoom or magnify an area, select the Zoom Window tool, click to the left of the area you want to magnify, then drag the mouse to the right, across the area you want to magnify, so that the area you want to magnify is contained within the marquee that the Zoom Window tool draws. After you have selected the area you want to magnify, release the mouse button to stop dragging. To zoom out, or reduce the magnification, drag the mouse from right to left across the magnified image.
Zoom Previous Zoom Previous returns the zoom level to the most recent previous setting.
Zoom Next Zoom Next returns the zoom level to the setting that was active before a Zoom Previous command was executed.
Pan When this button is toggled on, click anywhere in the drawing, hold down the mouse button and move the mouse to reposition the current view
Help Opens the online help for this dialog.
Time Controls Includes the following:
  • Go To Start button: Sets the currently displayed time step to the beginning of the simulation.
  • Pause/Stop button: Stops the animation. Restarts it again with another click.
  • Play button: Advances the currently displayed time step from beginning to end.
  • Time Slider: Lets you manually move the slider representing the currently displayed time step along the bar, which represents the full length of time that the scenario encompasses.
  • Time Display: Shows the current time step that is displayed in the drawing pane.