Subsurface Utilities CONNECT Edition Help

Flow Headloss Curves Dialog Box

Last updated: October 25, 2019

This dialog box allows you to enter flow vs. headloss data for a manhole or transition element.

The dialog box contains the Flow vs. Headloss table along with the following controls:

  • New: This button creates a new Flow-Headloss Curve.
  • Duplicate: Creates a copy of the currently selected Flow-Headloss Curve.
  • Delete: This button deletes the currently highlighted Flow-Headloss Curve.
  • Rename: This button allows you to rename the currently highlighted Flow-Headloss Curve.
  • Report: Opens a print preview window containing a report that details the input data for this dialog box.
  • Synchronization Options: Clicking this button opens a submenu containing the following commands:
  • Browse Engineering Library—Opens the Engineering Library manager dialog, allowing you to browse the Flow-Headloss Curve Library.
  • Synchronize From Library—Lets you update a flow-headloss curve previously imported from a Flow-Headloss Curve Library. The updates reflect changes that have been made to the library since it was imported.
  • Synchronize To Library—Lets you update an existing Flow-Headloss Curve Library using current flow-headloss curves that were initially imported but have since been modified.
  • Import From Library—Lets you import a flow-headloss curve from an existing Flow-Headloss Curve Library.
  • Export To Library—Lets you export the current flow-headloss curve to an existing Flow-Headloss Curve Library.

The table contains the following columns:

  • Flow: This field allows you to define the flow at the current curve point.
  • Headloss: This field allows you to define the headloss for the current curve point.

The tab section is used to define the settings for the flow-headloss curve that is currently highlighted in the flow-headloss curve list pane. The following controls are available:

Data Tab This tab consists of input data fields that allow you to define the points that make up the flow-headloss curve.
Flow Enter the flow data point.
Headloss Headloss at the associated flow data point value.
Library Tab This tab displays information about the flow-headloss curve that is currently highlighted in the flow-headloss curve list pane. If the curve is derived from an engineering library, the synchronization details can be found here. If the curve was created manually for this model, the synchronization details will display the message Orphan (local), indicating that the curve was not derived from a library entry.
Notes Tab This tab contains a text field that is used to type descriptive notes that will be associated with the flow-headloss curve that is currently highlighted in the flow-headloss curve list pane.

To assign a Flow-Headloss curve to a node element:

  1. Double-click the node element in your model to display the Property Editor, or right-click a node and select Properties from the shortcut menu.
  2. In the Physical (Structure Losses) section of the Property Editor, select Flow-Headloss Curve as the Headloss Method. The Flow-Headloss Curve field becomes available.
  3. Click the <Select...> list item in the Flow-Headloss Curve field.
  4. In the Flow-Headloss Curves Dialog Box, all of the Flow-Headloss Curves that have been created for the model are listed in the left pane. Create a new Curve by clicking the New button.
  5. The data for each Flow-Headloss Curve is displayed in the table on the right. Each row in the table represents a data point on the Flow-Headloss Curve curve. Type values for the Flow and Headloss for each row. Click the New button to add a row or press the Tab key to advance to the next field in the table.
  6. Perform the following optional steps:
  7. To delete a row from the table, select the row then click Delete.
  8. To view a report on the curve, click Report.
  9. Click OK to close the dialog box and save your curve data in the Property Editor.