Subsurface Utilities CONNECT Edition Help

Inflow Control Center

Last updated: October 25, 2019

The Inflow Control Center is an editor for manipulating all the inflows in your model. Using the Inflow Control Center, you can add new inflows, delete existing inflows, or modify the values for existing inflows using standard SQL select and update queries.

The Inflow Control Center provides demand editing capabilities which can:

  • open on all inflow nodes, or subset of inflow nodes,
  • sort and filter based on inflow criteria,
  • add, edit, and delete individual inflows,
  • globally edit inflows,
  • import hydrograph data from a comma delimited file.

The Inflow Control Center consists of a pane consisting of tabs for each element type that list all of the inflows for all of the elements in the model and a pane that displays Hydrograph Load collections for the currently highlighted element.

It also contains the following controls:

New Clicking the New button opens a submenu containing the following commands: Add Fixed Load to Element—Adds a new Fixed Load to the element currently selected in the list pane. Add Hydrograph Load to Element—Adds a new Hydrograph Load to the element currently selected in the list pane. Add Pattern Load to Element—Adds a new pattern load to the element currently selected in the list pane. Add Inflows—Return the view to the drawing pane, allowing you to select an element from the drawing. After an element has been selected, the Apply Inflow Type to Selection dialog opens, allowing you to enter a Fixed or Hydrograph Load to the element you selected. Initialize Fixed Loads for All Elements—Adds a Fixed Load to each element of the current type in the model that does not currently have an inflow defined. The loads added by this command have an initial value of 0.0. Initialize Hydrograph Loads for All Elements—Adds a Hydrograph Load to each element of the current type in the model that does not currently have an inflow defined. The hydrographs added by this command are initially blank. Initialize Pattern Load for All Elements—Adds a Pattern Load to each element of the current type in the model that does not currently have an inflow defined. The loads added by this command have an initial value of 0.0. Initialize Fixed Load for Selection—Adds a Fixed Load to each element that is currently selected in the list pane that does not currently have an inflow defined. The loads added by this command have an initial value of 0.0. Initialize Hydrograph Load for Selection—Adds a Hydrograph Load to each element that is currently selected in the list pane that does not currently have an inflow defined. The hydrographs added by this command are initially blank. Initialize Pattern Load for Selection—Adds a Pattern Load to each element that is currently selected in the list pane that does not currently have an inflow defined.The loads added by this command have an initial value of 0.0. You can only use one type of Initialize operation in any given element. For example, if you perform an Initialize Fixed Loads for All Elements operation, you will not then be able to then perform an Initialize Hydrograph Loads for All Elements on the model. If you wish to add another inflow of a different type than the one that was Initialized, you must do so for each individual element. Import Hydrographs—Import comma delimited hydrograph data into the model ((see Importing Hydrograph Data).
Delete Deletes the currently selected row from the list. Delete commands can not be undone.
Report Opens a report containing the inflow information displayed in each tab of the list pane.
Create or Add to a Selection Set Clicking this button opens a submenu containing the following commands: Create Selection Set—Creates a new selection set consisting of the currently highlighted elements. Add to Selection Set—Adds the currently selected elements to an existing selection set. Remove from Selection Set—Removes the currently selected elements from an existing selection set.
Zoom To Centers the drawing pane view on the currently selected element.
Find Opens the Find Element dialog, allowing you to search for a specific element.
Options Clicking this button opens a submenu containing the following commands: Sort—Opens a submenu containing the following commands: Filter—Opens a submenu containing the following commands: Apply Sort/Filter—If a sort and/or filter has been defined, this command applies them.
Help Opens the online help.