Subsurface Utilities CONNECT Edition Help

Running Multiple Scenarios at Once (Batch Runs)

Performing a batch run lets you set up and run calculations for multiple scenarios at once. This is helpful if you want to queue a large number of calculations, or manage a group of smaller calculations as a set. The list of selected scenarios for the batch run remain with your hydraulic model until you change it.

To perform a batch run:

  1. Selecting Analysis > Scenarios to open the Scenario Manager, or click the Scenario Manager tab.
  2. Click the Compute Current Scenario button, then select Batch Run from the shortcut menu.
  3. The Batch Run Editor dialog box appears.
  4. Check the scenarios you want to run, then click the Batch button. Each scenario is calculated. You can cancel the batch run between any scenario calculation. The selected scenarios run consecutively.
  5. When the batch run is completed, the scenario that was current stays current, even if it was not calculated.
  6. Select a calculated scenario from the Scenario toolbar drop-down list to see the results throughout the program.

The check state is restored when the batch run dialog is reopened. The settings are saved in the project’s settings file. You can also click on any of the column headers to sort that column in either ascending or descending order.

Batch Run Editor Dialog Box

The Batch Run Editor dialog box contains the following controls:

Scenario List Displays a list of all current scenarios. Click the check box next to the scenarios you want to run in batch mode.
Import/Export The import and export toolbar buttons lets you save the check state to an external file.
Batch Starts the batch run of the selected scenarios.
Select Displays a drop-down menu containing the following commands: Select All - Selects all scenarios listed. Clear Selection - Clears all selected scenarios.
Close Closes the Batch Run Editor dialog box.
Help Displays context-sensitive help for the Batch Run Editor dialog box.