Subsurface Utilities CONNECT Edition Help

Adding Global Storm Data

Individual catchments in your model can have local storm data assigned to them. These are the storm data you create in the Storm Data dialog box or in the Storm Data Engineering Library. For catchments that do not use local rainfall (Use Local Rainfall setting in the Property Editor is set to False), model-wide global storm data apply. Project-wide global storm data are associated with Hydrology alternatives.

You define model-wide global storm data in the Global Storm Data dialog box.

To add a global storm data:

  1. Select Components > Storm Data > Global Storm Data or click the Global Storm Data button on the Components toolbar.
  2. In the Global Storm Data dialog box, each row in the table represents a Hydrology alternative. In the Global Storm Data column, select the storm data from the submenu or click the Ellipses (...) button to display the Storm Data dialog box, where you can create a new storm data.
  3. The rest of the data is automatically added to the table based on the settings of the selected storm data. Click Close.

Global Storm Data Settings Dialog Box

This dialog box lets you define model-wide global storm data. You access the Global Storm Data Settings dialog box by selecting Components > Storm Data> Global Storm Data or clicking the Global Storm Data button on the Components toolbar.

The dialog box a table with the following columns:

Alternative Displays the name of the Hydrology alternative that is used by the current scenario.
Global Storm Data Lists all of the rainfall curves that have been defined for the current model in the Storm Data dialog box, which is accessible by clicking the ellipsis button.
Source Displays the location of the library file for storm data that are derived from an engineering library entry.
Return Event Displays the return event that is associated with the storm data. The return event is a value that reflects the average time between similar storm data.
Depth Displays the rainfall depth of the storm as defined by the currently selected storm data.
Duration Displays the duration of the storm as defined by the currently selected storm data.
Climate Adjustment Type
  • None - No adjustments are applied to rainfall data during the computation.
  • Constant - Can apply a single percent "Climate Adjustment" to rainfall data.
  • SWMM - When using SWMM or the EPA SWMM runoff method can access the standard SWMM style monthly climate adjustments multipliers via the climatology dialog. Click the ellipses(..) button in this field to edit the monthly adjustment data for the current alternative.

Climate Adjustment (%) Set the percent adjustment of all rain data (local and global) during the associated computation.