Subsurface Utilities CONNECT Edition Help

Project Properties

Last updated: October 25, 2019

The Hydraulic Model Properties dialog box allows you to enter hydraulic model-specific information to help identify the hydraulic model. Hydraulic model properties are stored with the model.

The dialog box contains the following text fields and controls:

Title Enter a title for the hydraulic model
File Name Displays the file name for the current model. If you have not saved the model yet, the file name is listed as “Untitled x .wtg.”, where x is a number between 1 and 5 chosen by the program based on the number of untitled models that are currently open.
Engineer Enter the name of the model engineer.
Company Enter the name of your company.
Date Click this field to display a calendar, which is used to set a date for the model.
Notes Enter additional information about the model.

To set hydraulic model properties

  1. Choose File > Hydraulic Model Properties and the Hydraulic Model Properties dialog box opens.
  2. Enter the information in the Hydraulic Model Properties dialog box and click OK.