Subsurface Utilities CONNECT Edition Help

Step 3: Calculation Summary

This step displays the Results Summary pane, which displays the total load, load multiplier, and hydraulic pattern associated with each load type in a tabular format. The number of entries listed will depend on the load build method and data types selected in Step 1. The Results Summary pane contains the following columns for external data sources:

  • Load Type—This column contains an entry for each load type contained within the database column specified in step one. (Examples include residential, commercial, industrial, etc.)
  • Consumption—This column displays the total load associated with each load type entry.
  • Multiplier—This column displays the multiplier that is applied to each load type entry. Multipliers can be used to account for peak loads, expected future loads, or to reflect unaccounted-for-loads. This field is editable.
  • Pattern—This column displays the hydraulic pattern associated with each demand type entry. A different pattern can be specified using the menu contained within each cell of this column. New patterns cannot be created from this dialog box; see the Pattern manager help topic for more information regarding the creation of new patterns.

In addition to the functionality provided by the tabular summary pane, the following controls are also available in this step:

  • Global Multiplier—This field allows you to apply a multiplier to all of the entries contained within the Results Summary Pane. Any changes are automatically reflected in the Total Load text field. Multipliers can be used to account for peak loads, expected future loads, or to reflect unaccounted-for-loads. The Global Multiplier should be used when the conditions relating to these considerations are identical for all usage types and elements.
  • Total Load—This field displays an updated total of all of the entries contained within the Results Summary Pane, as modified by the local and global multipliers that are in effect.