Subsurface Utilities CONNECT Edition Help

Compute Center

The compute center is a dialog box that enables the user to quickly and easily keep track of and modify high level settings for the current scenario. At a glance, the user can determine what the current scenario is, what the active solver is and what set of calculation options are being used. The user can also change these without getting into the detailed scenario selection and calculation options dialogs. The Compute Center is shown below.

The buttons on the top row enable the user to open other dialogs and include the following:

  • Scenario - opens scenario manager
  • Alternatives - opens alternative manager
  • Calculation Options - opens calculation options manager
  • Time Browser - opens time browser
  • Calculation Summary - opens calculation summary
  • User Notifications - opens user notifications
  • Help - opens this help topic

The scenario row displays the current scenario and enables the user to switch scenarios.

The Compute button runs the current scenario and the drop down list next to it enables the user to make batch runs.

The Validate button starts the scenario validation.

The Properties button displays the properties for the current scenario.

Under Calculation Options, the calculation option for the current scenario is listed and can be changed.

In the General category, the solver associated with the current scenario is listed and can be changed. See help topic “Solvers (Numerical)”-751 for details.

The remaining properties listed depend upon the solver and time analysis type. If the run is steady as in GVF-Rational or GVF-convex with the steady option, time properties are not listed while for unsteady (dynamic or EPS runs), time properties are listed. In general, the properties listed are the most important calculation options. If a calculation option is not listed, the user can view them by selecting Calculation options in the Compute center or in the main menu.