OpenBuildings™ Station Designer Help

VBA Projects Dialog

Serves as OpenBuildings™ Station Designer's integrated development environment (IDE) for VBA, allowing you to manage VBA projects. VBA macros are not embedded in DGN files, they are stored separately in .mvba files.

You can access this dialog from the following:
  • Ribbon: Drawing > Utilities > Macros > VBA Manager
  • Ribbon: Modeling > Utilities > Macros > VBA Manager
  • Macros dialog: select VBA Projects

Create VBA Project

Opens the Create VBA Project dialog in which you can create a new project.
Open a VBA project from disk

Opens the Open dialog from which you can select and load an existing project. Once loaded, the macros in the selected project appear in the Macros dialog list box.
Save selected project as

Opens the Save project as dialog, in which you can save a copy of the project with a different name, in a different directory or on a different disk.
Load Project

Loads the selected project. Once loaded, the macros in the selected project appear in the Macros dialog list box.
Unload Project

Unloads or removes the selected project. When you unload, the macros in the unloaded are removed from the Macros dialog list box.
Show the VBA Editor

Opens the Microsoft Visual Basic editor, which is used to create and edit Visual Basic applications and macros.
VBA Projects list box Displays a list of VBA projects.
  • Project Name - Displays the named of the VBA project.
  • Loaded - Displays the status whether it is loaded or not loaded. If loaded, a check mark is displayed.
  • Load on Startup - If on, automatically loads the selected VBA project when you start OpenBuildings™ Station Designer.
Use the following key-in to open the Microsoft Visual Basic editor: