OpenBuildings™ Station Designer Help

Update Slab by Flood

Identifies a delineated area within a shape or form, floods the area and extrudes the identified shape. Flooding is upward, not downward, regardless of shape orientation, and the projection is smooth as opposed to faceted.

Accessed from:

  • Ribbon: StationDesigner > Modify > Modify > Edit Form Base > Update Flood
  • Ribbon: Modeling > Forms > Modify Forms > Edit Form Base > Update Flood

Height Specifies the height of the area to be extruded, unless a shape or form above prohibits extrusion. If a shape above only partially blocks extrusion, Height controls the portion of the form that can be extruded past the overlying shape or form.
Offset Sets a distance by which the extruded area places relative to the Depth Mode setting.
Tolerance Defines the smoothness of, or how many segments comprise a curve. Increasing the value creates fewer segments; decreasing the value creates more segments.
Create In If on, allows the extruded form to be created in the 3D Master model file when identified from a drawing or section file. (This setting is only available when identifying an area to extrude from an extracted drawing file.)
Allow holes If on, floods and extrudes around columns or other forms located within the selected area, and creates holes in the extrusion where the columns or other forms occupied space.
Note: When a form is updated, the form assumes the active symbology and not the symbology that was used to create it.