OpenBuildings™ Station Designer Help

Thematic Maps

Used to render and color code spaces and to generate and place legends.

Accessed from:
  • Ribbon: StationDesigner > View > Building Display > Thematic Maps

File menu Used for managing the Thematic Map Template files (*.tmt) used to store the thematic map settings.
  • New – Used to add thematic map definitions to the list of maps. Initially, the file path column displays *Not saved.
  • Open... – Opens existing template (*.tmt) files.
  • Close – Closes the dialog. If unsaved maps remain, a warning appears.
  • Save – Saves changes to the selected thematic map.
  • Save As... – Saves a copy of the selected thematic map.
  • Save All – Saves all unsaved thematic maps. A Save As dialog opens for each instance.
  • Save map to DGN – Automatically saves the thematic map graphics in the active DGN file. By default, Map graphics are saved to an automatically created level named TM_SAVEDMAP unless a Thematic Maps default level is configured.
  • Exit – Closes the dialog. If unsaved maps remain, a warning appears.
Edit menu Used for adding and manipulating search criteria to individual thematic maps. Thematic map definitions satisfy all the search criteria in order. Results in which common criteria are satisfied defer to the list order. Each thematic map definition contains its own list of search criteria. The list of searches is updated every time a thematic map is selected.
  • Add Search – Used to add a new entry to the search criteria list. The items on the sub-menu represent the available classes in the active schema.
  • Move Search Up – Moves the selected search criteria line up in the order. A criteria line must exit ahead in the search order of the selected line for the option to be enabled.
  • Move Search Down – Moves the selected search criteria line down in the order. A criteria line must exit behind in the search order of the selected line for the option to be enabled.
  • Delete – Removes the criteria line from the searches list.
View menu Used to apply or clear the renderings on the space elements as defined by thematic maps.
  • Refresh – Reapplies all active thematic map in all views defined by the maps.
  • Clear All – Clears all views of the renderings defined by the thematic maps.
Legend menu Used for placing and manipulating thematic map legends.
  • Place – Places a legend for thematic maps in views where they are applied. The legend updates for each thematic map when positioning the cursor over a rendered space.
  • Remove – Deletes a legend. Select the legend with a data point to remove.
  • Move – Moves legends with two data points. The first selects the legend, and attaches it to the pointer. The second defines the new position.
  • Scale – Scales legends with four data points. The first selects the legend. The second identifies a point to scale about. The third identifies a reference point. The fourth scales the legend.
Toolbar The tool strip contains icon shortcuts to the most commonly used tools in the Thematic Maps dialog. They all appear in the menus as well. Refer to the menu item descriptions in the previous tool settings row.

Searches Pane Thematic maps are defined here by adding search criteria, and setting how the results are rendered. Legend properties are also defined here. Each thematic map may contain one or more search criteria.
  • Search For — The Search For column displays the class being searched for. The availability of classes depends upon the active schema.
  • Property — The Property column displays the class property being processed. The contents of the drop list varies with the selected class.
  • Operator — The Operator column displays the mathematical or logical operators acting on the selected class property. The contents of the drop list varies with the selected class.

    • = (equal to) – The space is rendered only if its selected property value matches the contents of the value column in the thematic map definition.
    • <> (less than, greater than) – Spaces whose property values are less than and greater than the thematic map value are rendered.
    • < (less than) – Spaces whose property values are less than the thematic map value are rendered.
    • <= (less than, equal to) – Spaces whose property values are less than or equal to the thematic map value are rendered.
    • > (greater than) – Spaces whose property values are greater than the thematic map value are rendered.
    • >= (greater than, equal to) – Spaces whose property values are greater than or equal to the thematic map value are rendered.
    • Between – Spaces whose property values are between two predefined values in the thematic map value are rendered.
    • Auto iterate – Automatically iterates through all values of the class property and groups them.
    • Is Null – Spaces whose property values are undefined or blank are rendered.
    • Is not Null – Spaces whose property values contain any value are rendered.
  • Value — The Value column is where values for the searched properties are keyed in. Invalid values result in a warning dialog. The Between operator opens a small dialog where minimum and maximum values are keyed in. The value text field is disabled when using the Auto iterate, Is Null and Is not Null operators.

  • Color — Used to set the rendering or fill color for the spaces renderings and legends. Clicking on the color column opens a color picker.
  • Template — Used to define rendering options for thematic maps Element Templates. Pick from predefined templates or create a templates to set colors, hatching or patterning for thematic map rendering. Clicking the Template column opens a small context dialog used to select from a list element templates.

    • Customize... – Click to open the Element Templates dialog.
  • Legend — Clicking the Legend column opens a context sensitive dialog. The Thematic Maps Legend Builder is used to define legend expressions that act on search results to display specific information (on legends) about class properties therein.

Thematic Maps Pane Displays available thematic maps. Selecting from the thematic map definitions list updates the searches pane with the criteria used to build the maps.
  • Show — Clicking the Show column activates or deactivates thematic map. The green check icon indicates the map is applied, and the red cross out icon indicates it is off.
  • Name — Thematic map names are displayed in this column. Click the name to rename the map.
  • File path — Displays the path to the thematic map template (*.tmt) file. Unsaved maps display *Not saved.
  • Apply to — Used to set the view or views where the selected thematic map is displayed.

    • All – Applies the selected map to all views.
    • Clear – Clears all view buttons
    • View buttons – Manually select the target view by clicking the view buttons.
Tip: Working with multiple maps: If multiple maps are applied to a view, the maps are executed from bottom of the list to the top. That is, the topmost map definition is rendered last and may overwrite rendering applied done by map definitions before it on the list. Change the map order by simply dragging and dropping them to a new position in the order.
Tip: Thematic maps definitions are stored in *.tmt files, and may be stored in any location. A capability is available to define an environment variable TM_MAPLIST which allows for the definition of standard search paths for thematic maps. Every time the thematic maps dialog is opened, OpenBuildings™ Station Designer searches for available maps in the locations defined in TM_MAPLIST. The Thematic Maps dialog also recalls maps used in the previous session and displays them along with maps in the paths defined by TM_MAPLIST.