OpenBuildings™ Station Designer Help

Select By Attributes

Used to select and highlight building components with specific attributes like Part, Family, DataGroup data or Structural or Mechanical characteristics. Opens the Select by Attributes dialog.

Accessed from:

  • Ribbon: StationDesigner > [Varies] > Common Tools > Selection [split button] > Select By Attributes

File menu
  • New Resource — Opens the Select by Resource dialog to create a new resource file.
  • Open Resource — Opens the Select by Resource dialog to open another resource file.
  • Save Resource As — Opens the Select by Resource dialog to save a resource file.
Tools menu
  • Get Criteria from Element - Automatically populates the selection criteria by reading the element attributes and information directly from an identified element or form. Also opens the Get Criteria from Element dialog, where information types are set as selection criteria.
  • Criteria Sets - Opens the Selector - Criteria Sets dialog .
  • Grouped Criteria Sets - Opens the Selector - Grouped Criteria dialog , where defined group descriptions can be added to, deleted, and modified.
  • Invert Selection Set - Deselects all currently selected elements in the selection set and selects all elements previously not selected; exchanges all that is selected with all that is not selected.
Settings menu
  • Cell - Opens the Selector – Criteria – General dialog to enter selection criteria for a cell.
  • Shared Cell - Opens the Selector – Criteria – General dialog to enter selection criteria for a shared cell.
  • Text - Opens the Selector – Criteria – General dialog to enter text selection criteria.
  • Text Node - Opens the Selector – Criteria – General dialog to enter text node selection criteria.
Use Criteria Set When on, selection from the Criteria Set list box is enabled. The option menu displays all currently defined Criteria Sets.
All When on, search criteria in all sets in the open resource file are applied to element selection, display, and location operations initiated in the Select By Attributes dialog.
Use Group When on, selection from the Group list box is enabled. The option menu displays all currently defined Criteria Groups.
Criteria option menu Choose element selection criteria from different criteria groups.
Initialize Settings Clears the settings boxes of all previous search criteria input.
Mode Sets the selection mode:
  • All Files - Applies the selection criteria to all references defined in the DGN.
  • Master Only - Applies the selection criteria to the master file only.
  • Exclude Master - Applies the selection criteria to all references, but not to master file.
Mode option menu Sets one of the following modes of selection:
  • Inclusive - Selects and highlights only the elements that match the search criteria.
  • Exclusive - Selects and highlights only the elements that do not match the search criteria.
  • Add Matching - Adds the elements that match the search criteria to the selected elements.
  • Remove Matching - Removes the elements that match the search criteria from the selected elements.
  • Keep Matching - Keeps only the elements that match the search criteria in the set of selected elements. Elements that do not match the search criteria are dropped from the set of selected elements.
  • Add Not Matching - Adds only those elements, that do not match the search criteria, to the set of selected elements.
Mode Filters option menu These filters are used to select, display, and locate elements based on the current criteria. All filters can be active at the same time with limitations:
  1. If an element is not displayed then it can not be located.
  2. If an element is not located then it is not selectable.
  • Selection - Elements are selected based on the current criteria.
  • Location - Elements are located based on the current criteria.
  • Display - Elements are displayed based on the current criteria.
Apply Applies the defined selection criteria and begins the search.
Clear Selection Clears all selection criteria without initiating a search.