OpenBuildings™ Station Designer Help

Export to OasysGSA

Used to export your Structural analytical data to the OasysGSA analysis program. The data will be presented in a format that the analysis program can use.

Accessed from:
  • Backstage: File > Export > Structural > OasysGSA Export
Export Options
  • Number of Curve Facets - The number of facets determines the accuracy of curved member representations in OasysGSA. The default value is 5.
Job Data Enters Job Data to be exported to OasysGSA:
  • Job Name:
  • Processing:
  • Job no:
  • Checked By:
OasysGSA File
  • Use DGN File + GSA Extension - When on, the exported file is automatically named using the DGN file name and the *.gwb file extension. When off, you can browse for your *.gwb file name and location.
  • OasysGSA File Name - Displays the exported *.gwb file name. When enabled, user defined files can be selected by clicking the browse button [...].
Revision Tracking Contains revision tracking controls to specify OpenBuildings™ Station Designer's actions after you export structural data from OpenBuildings™ Station Designer to OasysGSA.
  • Use Design History — When on, Design History is used to track revisions. When off, Design History is not used.
Section Mapping Contains controls used to activate and specify Section Mapping between OpenBuildings™ Station Designer and OasysGSA.
  • Use Mapping File — When on, a section mapping file is used to map the section definitions to corresponding definitions in OasysGSA. The mapping file resolves known differences between how sections are defined in OpenBuildings™ Station Designer and OasysGSA.

    When off, sections are translated without any Section Mapping. The sections must be resolved in the destination analysis programs if mismatches or incomplete definitions exist.

  • Section Mapping File – Displays the path and file name for the section mapping file to be used.
  • [...] (browse) – You can browse for a section mapping file by clicking [...] next to the Section Mapping File path. This opens the Select Mapping Files dialog to a location where several default section mapping files are provided for external analysis programs supported by OpenBuildings™ Station Designer. Or you select your own mapping files.
Export Exports the data to a file that can be used by OasysGSA. You then have the option to start OasysGSA to open your exported file.
Close Closes Export to OasysGSA without exporting.
Key-in: mdl load Bentley.Building.Structural.GSATools.dll Export