OpenBuildings™ Station Designer Help


Used to extract information from a 3D model and export the information in the form of spreadsheets, databases, or word processing files. The report is based on settings completed using this tool and component definitions defined in the dataset.

Accessed from:

  • Ribbon: StationDesigner > Data/Reporting > Reports > Schedules split button > Quantify

Using the Quantify tool, the application searches for and identifies every element in the model that matches the reference file and level criteria specified. Each element is processed as follows:

  • The Part assignment of the element is identified.
  • All Components linked to the Part definition are identified.
  • The Formula of each Component as defined in the Part Definition is applied.
  • The calculated value is entered into a report.

An Element is the physical object in the model.

The Part Definition links the Components to the element.

Components determine the unit of measurement and the unit price that is used to apply material takeoffs. Components are linked to Parts through a Formula.

The Formula determines how to physically measure the element. The Formula is critical to successful reporting. For example, a wall can be measured in three ways: the area for gypsum board, the volume for concrete, and the length for vinyl base.

For any quantification report to generate successfully without errors, the following must apply:

  • Every element being calculated must have a Part assignment.
  • Every Part that is assigned to an element must have at least one Component linked to it.
  • Every Component that is linked to a Part must be linked through a valid Formula. For example, the height of a Solid cannot be measured, because a Solid is not parametric and therefore its intelligence does not include the concept of height.

To calculate quantities, the following process is executed for each Building and non-Building element:

  1. If a Part is not assigned to an element, a quantity is not generated for that element.
  2. If a Part is assigned to an element, Components linked to Parts are searched for. If Component is not found, an error message is generated in the <DGN file>.log file, which is located in the same directory as the design file.
  3. If one or more Components are linked to a Part, the Formula of the Component is searched for.

    If the Formula is not defined for the Component, an error message is generated in the <DGN file>.log file.

    If the Formula is found, the quantity of the Component is calculated as specified by the Formula.

  4. The quantity is written to the report file
  5. The names of the spec text files that are linked to the Component are written to the <DGN file>.text file, which is located in the same directory as the design file.
  6. Starting from the Component, OpenBuildings™ Station Designer searches for the Parent Component until it finds a Parent Component that points to itself, which indicates the top of the tree structure. The data of the Parent Components is written to the report file.

Reports group box The following settings are available.
  • Detailed — If on, generates a detailed report (<DGN file>.det).

    In this report, every element in the selected levels of the 3D model and its selected related information is calculated. Then each element is listed on a separate line. The output of this report can be a tab-delimited file, a quoted-text file, or a Microsoft Excel workbook.

  • Summary — If on, generates a summary report (<DGN file>.sum).

    In this report, every element in the 3D model and its selected related information is calculated and all calculations are totaled. Then, each component total is listed on its own line item and additional summary data is calculated including sub and grand totals. The output of this report can be a tab-delimited file, a quoted-text file, or a Microsoft Excel workbook.

  • Spec Texts — If on, generates a list of the names of the spec text files to include in the Specification Book.

    In this report, every element is calculated, and all specification section files that are attached to that element through a Component and a Part in the 3D model are listed in a text file. Duplicate file names are omitted. Use Microsoft Word and Word Perfect macros to generate a specification book from this text file.

  • Layout — Opens the Report Layout dialog.
Reference Files Controls the files used to calculate the quantities of elements:
  • If on, uses all attached reference files.
  • If off, uses the selected levels of the active design file.
Limited Deduction Controls the deductions of openings:
  • If on, deducts openings smaller than a given size. For example, a small window may reduce the amount of wall material, but the labor cost to install the window may offset any savings in wall material cost.
  • If off, deducts all openings.
Data Lists Controls the creation of a list of component definitions (<report name>.cmp) and of a list of part definitions (<report name>.par) that are used in the 3D model:
  • If on, creates the data files.
  • If off, does not creates the data files.
Quantified Levels group box The following settings are available.
  • Process All Levels — When on, the Quantify tool processes all levels. When off, the Quantify tool processes only those levels which are on for the view specified by the Set From View setting.
  • Set From — Enabled when Process All Levels is off. Sets the levels to those displayed in a selected view.
  • View — Enabled when Process All Levels is off. Sets the desired view from 1 to 8.
Units group box The following settings are available.
  • Base Unit (display only) — Specifies the dimensional units of measurement:
    • English
    • Metric
  • Set Units — Opens the Units dialog.
Error if Void Parts Controls the creation of a log file (<DGN file>.log) when a part in the model does not have a component linked to it:
  • If on, displays an error and records the error in the log file.
  • If off, does not display or record an error.
Stop on Error Controls processing when an error is found:
  • If on, aborts the calculation.
  • If off, continues the calculation.

Errors are caused by the following:

  • A Part attached to an element is not found because the Part file is not found or the Part is not found in the Part file.
  • A Component is not found because the Component file is not found or the Component is not found in the Component file.
  • A Component is not attached to a Part.
  • A formula is not specified for a Component.

The error messages are written to a log file (<DGN file>.log) which is located in the same directory as the design file.

Start Generates a quantification report and closes the Quantify tool settings window.
Cancel Closes the Quantify tool settings window without generating a report.
Key-in: TFDialog quantify