OpenBuildings™ Station Designer Help

Print Dialog

Used to adjust printing settings and create a print file, a PDF file, or to print directly to a system printer.

You can access this dialog from the following:
  • Ribbon: File > Print > Print or File > Print > Print to PDF
  • Quick Access toolbar: select the Print icon
A Show Preview button to the right of the icon bar lets you expand the dialog to display a preview image. A further Show Details button at the lower right corner of the preview image lets you expand the dialog to display additional settings. The title bar of the dialog displays the name of the printer driver configuration (.pltcfg or .plt) file being used.

Printer list Lets you select a printer for the Print dialog. By default, the Display Labels of all found printer driver configuration files, plus a list of all Windows printers defined for the system are displayed in the printer list.
  • Windows printer — The Windows printer driver is used. When this option is selected, clicking the Configure Windows Printer icon to the right navigates directly to the Windows printer's driver Preferences dialog, which lets you change the Windows printer's settings. The display label of the printer driver configuration file is always indicated in the printer list, while the name of the Windows printer driver is displayed immediately below.
  • Bentley driver — The currently selected Bentley printer driver is used. Clicking the Select Printer Driver Configuration File icon to the right opens the Select Printer Driver Configuration File dialog, which lets you choose a different printer driver. The display label of the printer driver configuration file is always indicated in the printer list, while the name of the Bentley printer driver is displayed immediately below.
Paper Size Lets you choose the paper size from a list of available paper sizes for the selected printer. The NONE form is available if the print destination is set to Send to InterPlot and the selected printer is an InterPlot printer that supports the NONE form. When printing to the NONE form, the system automatically sets the form size to the print size. For example, if the form size is 100 x 100 inches, and the print size is 34 x 22 inches, the form size is set to 34 x 22 inches when the Paper control is set to NONE.
Usable area/Total area/Paper size (When Windows driver is selected) When Full Sheet is off, displays the usable area, or printable dimensions (width x height) for the selected paper. When Full Sheet is on, displays the total area (width x height) for the selected paper.

(When Bentley driver is selected) When the Allow paper size editing check box is on in the Print Preferences dialog, the Paper size fields appear. You can change the size of the selected form.

Full (Visible only when Windows driver is selected.) If on, it is the same as having the Full Sheet Mode property set. It also changes the Usable area field to Total area.

If off, only the printable portion of the sheet is considered.

For example, when printing to a letter size sheet, typically 8.5 x 11 inches, the maximum print size may be only 8 x 10.5 inches. If full sheet is enabled, the maximum print size is the size of the sheet (8.5 x 11 inches).

When Full is enabled some geometry may be clipped (by the printer) if it falls into the unprintable area around the edge of the paper.

Orientation Lets you choose the orientation of the paper — Portrait or Landscape.

This control lets you quickly reverse the X and Y values of the Paper Size property without having to edit the printer driver configuration file. This is necessary for the printer.pltcfg, and helpful for some PostScript to PDF workflows, but not desirable for most HP-GL/2 and HP/RTL workflows. To reduce confusion and to prevent any accidental swapping of the X and Y sizes, the orientation control is disabled for the following Bentley printer driver configuration files: hprtl.pltcfg, hpglrtl.pltcfg, and pscript.pltcfg.

Destination Lets you choose the print destination:
  • Send to printer — (Available only when Windows driver is selected) Sends the print to the selected printer, using the selected printer driver.
  • Create plot file — Creates a plot file. When printing with a Bentley printer driver, Create plot file is the only available choice. If the printer driver configuration file is configured to write directly to an LPT port, this is equivalent to Create plot file. If you want Create plot file to be the default, change the File Name property in the printer driver configuration file.
  • Create metafile — (Available only when Windows driver is selected) Creates a Windows enhanced metafile (.emf). If you want Create metafile to be the default, change the Default Create Metafile property in a .pltcfg file.
  • Send to InterPlot — (Enabled when an InterPlot printer is selected) Sends the print to a ProjectWise InterPlot Server.
Area List box that lets you choose the area to print.
  • View — Contents of the view number as shown in the View setting.
  • Fence — The print area is defined by a fence.
  • Sheet — The print area is defined by the sheet definition.
View List box that lets you select the view to use for printing.
Color List box that lets you select the output format — Monochrome, Grayscale, or True Color. Available options depend on the capability of the selected printer. When the Print to 3D check box is selected, the color is set to True Color and cannot be changed.
Rasterized Selecting the Rasterized check box allows you to create rasterized print files. The printer driver must support raster, so you cannot create rasterized prints using the Bentley HP-GL/2 printer driver. The printer driver must support raster.

By default, Rasterized mode will be turned on when shaded display styles are detected. If Rasterized is unchecked, the shaded display styles will print using the non-rasterized visible edge path. The Rasterized check box will be disabled if the view contains any point clouds, or when printing to a printer driver that does not support Rasterized mode (e.g., HP-GL/2). If you are printing a 3D design model to a PDF printer driver and the Print to 3D check box is set, the Rasterized check box is not visible.

Rasterized print mode is the best way to achieve complete fidelity between the view display and the printed output. It is the only way to achieve certain effects such as anti-aliasing and transparency. For very dense drawings, rasterized print mode also uses less memory than non-rasterized mode.

When creating a rasterized print, the product breaks up the view into many tiles and makes multiple passes over the DGN file to rasterize each tile using the graphics hardware. Larger print sizes require more tiles, and thus take longer to print and produce larger plot file sizes.

The output of a rasterized print is a print file consisting entirely of raster tiles. When printing a vector DGN file, a rasterized print file is usually larger than a non-rasterized print file. However, if the DGN file contains raster background images spanning the entire view, using the rasterized print mode may produce a smaller print file.

When wireframe views are plotted in non-rasterized print mode, the product builds a display list containing the entire contents of the DGN file in order to perform sorting (in software) based on either 3D Z coordinates, 2D display priority, or pen table priority. For very dense drawings, or drawings containing large amounts of raster data, this display list can sometimes run the process out of virtual address space. In rasterized print mode, the sorting is performed by the graphics hardware. There is no need for a display list, and the system memory footprint is much smaller—especially when printing at large sizes.

In a non-rasterized print, the application of line caps and joins to vectors is performed by the printer driver. Some printer drivers support more cap and join styles than others, and their appearance may vary depending on the printer firmware. In a rasterized print, the line caps and joins are applied by the graphics hardware and the results are embedded in the raster tiles—ensuring consistent appearance when printing to any printer driver or printer.

Printer driver configuration files provide an option (Default Output Mode) for setting the default Rasterized check box for the Print dialog and Print Organizer . You can force the Rasterized check box on or off (in which case the control becomes disabled), or mark it as preferred on or off (in which case the Rasterized check box is set to the desired value when the printer driver configuration is loaded, but can be changed afterwards). By default, the printer driver configuration is set to "No Preference," and the Rasterized check box defaults to the most recently used setting (from the user preferences) for the Print dialog and to non-rasterized mode for Print Organizer.

Note: This key-in cannot override a printer driver-enforced output mode or turn off raster mode if the view is rendered.
Copies (Enabled only when the currently selected printer driver supports multiple copies.) Lets you set the number of copies to be printed.
Print To 3D (Visible only when a PDF printer driver is selected and a 3D design model is open.) Prints to PDF, as 3D data in Universal 3D (U3D) format, the master model, and all references. The 3D content will contain any visualization data and settings that already exist within the design file such as lights, materials, and animations or flythroughs. When the PDF file is viewed in Acrobat 7 or later, the document contains a 3D view with controls that let you rotate, zoom in/out, or walk through the 3D model, as well as running an animation, if any.
Show design in preview (Visible only if Show Preview is displayed.) If on, the region of the design to be printed is displayed in the preview image. If off, displays the defined sheet, with margins.
Refresh preview (icon) (Visible only if Show Preview is displayed.) Clicking the Refresh preview icon, below the preview image, refreshes the preview image.
Scale (Visible only if Show Preview and Show Details are displayed.) Sets the scale of the printed output. By default, this is displayed as master units to paper units. You can use the Method setting in the Scale Assistant to change this display to paper units to master units.

Additionally, you can define the default scale display using a configuration variable, MS_PLT_SCALE_METHOD. Valid values for this configuration variable are:

  • 1 — default scale display is paper units to master units.
  • 2 — default scale display is master units to paper units.

With this configuration variable set, the scale display still may be changed via the Method setting in the Scale Assistant. When the Print dialog is closed and then reopened, however, it will revert to that set by the configuration variable.

Scale Assistant (Visible only if Show Preview and Show Details are displayed.) Clicking the Scale Assistant icon opens the Scale Assistant , which lets you select the scale for the printed output.
X Size (Visible only if Show Preview and Show Details are displayed.) Sets the X, or width, dimension of the printed output, in printer units.
Y Size (Visible only if Show Preview and Show Details are displayed.) Sets the Y, or height, dimension of the printed output, in printer units.
Maximize (Visible only if Show Preview and Show Details are displayed.) Automatically fits the selected view or fenced area into as much of the printable area as possible.
Rotation (Visible only if Show Preview and Show Details are displayed.) Lets you select the rotation of the printed output. For prints that are not rendered and do not contain a camera definition, you can specify any rotation in the 0–360 degree range. For rendered prints or prints containing a camera definition, you must choose from the list box one of the orthogonal rotations below.
  • None — No rotation is applied to the printed output.
  • Rotate 90 cw — A rotation of 90° in the clockwise direction is applied to the printed output.
  • Rotate 90 ccw — A rotation of 90° in the counterclockwise direction is applied to the printed output.
  • 180 — A rotation of 180° is applied to the printed output.
PRINT ROTATION [ <rotation in degrees> ]
Note: If Hide advanced layout controls is checked in the Print Preferences dialog, you must use the list box to select an orthogonal rotation.
X Origin (Visible only if Show Preview and Show Details are displayed.) Sets the horizontal distance in printer units from the lower left corner of the printable area to the lower left corner of the page. The default X Origin and Y Origin settings center the printed output in the printable area of the page.
Y Origin (Visible only if Show Preview and Show Details are displayed.) Sets the vertical distance in printer units from the lower left corner of the printable area to the lower left corner of the page. The default X Origin and Y Origin settings center the printed output in the printable area of the page.
Auto-center (Visible only if Show Preview and Show Details are displayed.) If on, the printable area is centered on the page.
Mirror (Visible only if Show Preview and Show Details are displayed.) You can mirror printed output about the X and/or Y axis.
  • None — No mirroring is applied to the printed output.
  • Vertical — The printed output is mirrored about the X axis.
  • Horizontal — The printed output is mirrored about the Y axis.
  • Both — The printed output is mirrored about the X and Y axes.
Note: If Hide advanced layout controls is checked in the Print Preferences dialog, the Mirror field does not appear and mirroring is not available.
Pen Table Displays the pen table if one is attached. Clicking the Select Pen Table File icon to the right opens the Select Pen Table File dialog, which lets you choose a pen table. This dialog opens to the folder specified by the configuration variable MS_PENTABLE.

Clicking the Edit Pen Table File icon opens the Modify Pen Table dialog. The configuration variable MS_PENTABLE_EDITOR can be used to disable the editing control.

Clicking the Detach Pen Table File icon detaches the current pen table file.

Note: If the active file is a DWG file with a plot style assigned to it, the Pen table field displays the name of the assigned CTB/STB file, provided the CTB or STB file is located in the same folder as the DWG file or in the folder specified by the MS_PENTABLE configuration variable.
Design Script Displays the design script if one is attached. Clicking the Select Design Script File icon to the right opens the Select Design Script File dialog, which lets you choose a design script. This dialog opens to the folder specified by the configuration variable MS_DESIGNSCRIPT_PATH.

Clicking the Edit Design Script File icon opens Notepad, which is used to modify an existing design script. The configuration variable MS_DESIGNSCRIPT_EDITOR can be used to disable the editing control, and to change the editing application for design script files.

Clicking the Detach Design Script File icon detaches the current design script file.

Upload PDF to ProjectWise Share This option displays only if the following conditions are met:
  • you have selected the PDF printer driver
  • the printer driver is configured to print to file (i.e. not a printer share or IP address)
  • The active WorkSet is assigned a ProjectWise Project.
  • You have access to the Project Share folder

When selected, the PDF file is first written to the local drive. Then, the CONNECTION Client sends the file to the ProjectWise Share in a separate background process. The file name on the ProjectWise Share will be the same as the one on the local drive. If a file with the same name already exists in the ProjectWise Share, it will be overwritten.

Print/Print to File When the selected printer is the Windows printer, the printed output is sent to the printer.

When the selected print destination is a file instead of a Windows printer, IP address, or UNC share, the button text changes to Print to File. When selected, the Save Print As dialog opens, to let you save the print file to disk for later submission to the required printer.

Effect is the same as clicking the Print icon or the File > Print menu item.

File > Open Print Definition File Opens the Select Print Definition File dialog, which allows you to select a .pset or .ini file. An .ini file is a legacy plot configuration file, and a .pset file is a print set file. When the print dialog reads an existing .pset file, it only opens the first DGN/DWG print definition in the set.

The .ini file format does not contain the design file specification, therefore, the user must remember the design file name, load it into OpenBuildings™ Station Designer, and then open the print .ini file. If the .ini file does not match the currently loaded design, an error is produced only if the design dimensions are different.

The .pset file format does store the design file specification, and that design is automatically loaded into OpenBuildings™ Station Designer when the print dialog opens the .pset file. If the design file cannot be loaded, the .pset open attempt is aborted.

File > Save Print Definition File Opens the Save Print Definition File dialog, which lets you specify a name for the print definition (.pset) file that you want to save for future use. When the print dialog saves to an existing .pset file, only the print dialog's print definition is written. Any other print definitions that are in the file are lost.
File > Preview Opens the resizable Preview window, which lets you preview the proposed printed output.

Effect is the same as clicking the Preview icon.

File > Print When the selected printer is the Windows printer, the printed output is sent to the printer.

When the selected printer is not the Windows printer, the Save Print As dialog opens, to let you save the print file to disk for later submission to the required printer.

Effect is the same as clicking the Print icon.

File > Select Printer Driver Configuration Opens the Select Printer Driver Configuration File dialog, which lets you select a printer driver configuration file.
File > Select Windows Printer Selects printer.pltcfg as the printer driver configuration file, which uses the Windows system printer.
File > Configure Windows Printer Opens the Windows Print dialog, which is used to select the printer, page range, and number of copies for the Windows system printer. If the selected printer driver is not the one for the Windows system printer, this menu item is disabled.
File > Edit Printer Driver Configuration Opens the current printer driver configuration file for editing. The correct editor is chosen based on the printer driver configuration file's format. The Printer Driver Configuration Editor is used to edit .pltcfg files and Notepad is used to edit .plt files.
File > Reload Printer Driver Configuration Reloads the current printer driver configuration file to include any changes. For example, after editing the printer driver configuration file, you need to reload it to take advantage of any changes that you have made.
File > Exit Closes the Print dialog.
Settings > Units Opens a submenu that lets you select the printer measurement units used for the Print dialog. Choices are: inches, feet, mm, cm, dm, or m.
Settings > Update from View Updates the preview area.

Effect is the same as clicking the Update from View icon.

Settings > Set Fence from Fit All The print area is automatically calculated to include every element in the master model and all references and the Area is set to Fence.
Settings > Set Fence from Fit Master The print area is automatically calculated to include every element in the master model and the Area is set to Fence.
Settings > Apply Print Style Opens the Apply Print Style dialog, which lets you apply a print style. Print Styles allow you to define and reuse named collections of print definition properties. Print Styles are created using Print Organizer's Define Print Styles option on the Tools menu, and are stored in the open DGN file or in the configured DGN libraries.

Settings > Print Attributes Opens the Print Attributes dialog, which lets you set various printing attributes.

Effect is the same as clicking the Print Attributes icon.

Settings > Print Levels/References Opens the Print Levels/References dialog, which lets you add level/reference override entries to turn on/off levels and references.

Settings > Raster Options Opens the Raster Options dialog, which lets you set the parameters for raster reference printing.
Settings > PDF Property Filter Opens the Property Filter dialog Property Filter dialog, which lets you save non-graphical business items in the active file to a property filter ( file.
Settings > PDF Property Publishing Opens the Print - PDF Property Publishing dialog, which lets you select non-graphical business items to publish to PDF.
Settings > 3D Plotting
PRINT PROPPUB < NONE > < ALL > < <property publishing filter file> >

(Enabled only when using a PDF printer driver) Opens the 3D Plotting Options dialog, which lets you define the settings for 3D content in a PDF file.

Settings > Visible Edges Settings Opens the Visible Edges Settings dialog, which provides controls for printing visible edges display styles in non-rasterized mode.
Settings > Preferences Opens the Print Preferences dialog, where you can select user interface, page layout, sheet definition, preview, and print engine preferences.
Resymbolization > New Pen Table Opens the Create Pen Table File dialog, which is used to load new pen tables and activate pen table processing.
Resymbolization > Attach Pen Table Opens the Select Pen Table File dialog, from which you can select the pen table you want to load. The Select Pen Table File dialog opens to the folder specified by the configuration variable MS_PENTABLE.
Resymbolization > Edit Pen Table Opens the Modify Pen Table dialog, which is used to modify an existing pen table. The configuration variable MS_PENTABLE_EDITOR can be used to disable the editing control.
Note: If the attached pen table is read-only, on either the host file system or in ProjectWise, the editing command is disabled.
Resymbolization > Detach Pen Table Detaches the currently loaded pen table, thereby disabling pen table processing.
Resymbolization > Attach Design Script Opens the Select Design Script File dialog, from which you can select the design script you want to load. The Select Design Script File dialog opens to the folder specified by the configuration variable MS_DESIGNSCRIPT_PATH.
Resymbolization > Edit Design Script By default, opens Notepad, which is used to modify an existing design script. The configuration variable MS_DESIGNSCRIPT_EDITOR can be used to disable the editing control, and to change the editing application for design script files.
Note: If the attached design script is read-only, on either the host file system or in ProjectWise, the editing command is disabled.
Resymbolization > Detach Design Script Detaches the currently loaded design script, thereby disabling design script processing.