OpenBuildings™ Station Designer Help

Place Steel Trusses

Used to place a steel truss. The operation of the tool is a two step process. The first step sets the mode of the tool as to be used for placing or modifying steel trusses (Steel Truss Modeling dialog). The second step uses the Place Steel Truss dialog to complete designing the steel trusses.

Accessed from:

  • Ribbon: StationDesigner > Structural > Place Strutural Elements > Trusses split button > Place Trusses

Steel Truss Modeling dialog

Initially, selecting opens a preliminary dialog which governs the main tool settings window.

Mode Select the placement or modification modes used for designing steel trusses. Selections made here determine the prompts that guide you through the tool modes.
Place When selected, you are prompted to "Enter data point for truss end 1" and "Enter data point for truss end 2". When the end points are defined, the Place Steel Truss dialog is opened.
Modify When selected, you are prompted to "Select steel truss to be modified". When one is selected, the Modify Steel Truss dialog is opened loaded with the selected truss' definition.
Manipulate When selected, you are prompted to "Select steel truss to be modified". When one is selected, the steel truss end point is attached to the cursor and you are prompted to "Enter data point for truss end 2". Followed by it, the Manipulate Steel Truss dialog is opened.
Import From SDNF File When selected, several SDNF File options are added to the Steel Truss Modeling dialog.

SDNF File options

  • SDNF File: – Lists the SDNF file being imported.
  • Browse – Opens a browser dialog: Select RAM Advance SDNF file. The file type is set to *.dat.
  • OK – Accepts all options and continues to the Steel Truss Program.
  • Help – Opens the SDNF Import Help dialog containing additional information.

Truss Layout tab

Load menu Click to retrieve an XML file (default: SteelTrussSetting.xml) that contained predefined truss settings.
Save Saves the current truss settings to an XML file.
Truss Type Selects the type of truss:
  • Pratt Truss — Places a pratt truss.
  • Howe Truss — Places a howe truss.
  • Warren Truss — Places a warren truss.
  • Inverted Warren — Places an inverted warren truss.
  • Sway Frame — Places a sway frame, that is capable of resisting lateral loads without relying on an additional bracing system for stability.
Place By Select the method for placing the truss.
  • By Defining Bottom Chord Points
  • By Defining Top Chord Points
Truss Name Enter the name or label to use for this truss.
Number of Panels Enter the number of panels to use for this truss.
Truss Depth at Start (D1) Enter the depth for the first end of the truss. This value is represented by D1 on the diagram.
Truss Depth at End (D2) Enter the depth for the second end of the truss. This value is represented by D2 on the diagram.
Include Sub Members Diagonals/Verticals When on, the Sub Member tab is enabled. When off, the Sub Member tab is disabled.
Place Places the truss based on the current settings.
Chord Data, Members, and Gusset Plates tabs These tabs contain settings used to complete designing the steel truss: