OpenBuildings™ Station Designer Help

Place Steel Framed Building

Used to place a standard steel framed building. This tool automates the placement of the steel framed building according to your specifications.

Accessed from:
  • Ribbon: StationDesigner > Structural > Place Structural Elements > Trusses split button > Place Building

General tab

Number of Floors Sets the number of floors to create in the building.
First Floor Height Sets the height of the first floor.
Other Floor Height Sets the height for the remaining floors, other than the first floor.
X Direction: Number of Bays Sets the number of bays running along the X axis.
X Direction: Bay Spacing Sets the space between the bays running along the X axis.
Y Direction: Number of Bays Sets the number of bays running along the Y axis.
Y Direction: Bay Spacing Sets the space between the bays running along the Y axis.
X, Y, Z Origin Sets the X, Y ands Z origins to start placing the steel framed building. By default, all are set to 0.
Place Places the steel-framed building structure according to the specifications you made.
Close Closes the dialog.
Member and Slab/Foundation tabs