OpenBuildings™ Station Designer Help

Merge Nodes

Used to merge two or more nodes. Nodes may need to be merged if other non-analytical parts of the structure (gussets or some other joining elements) keep the nodes separated by a distance greater than the node tolerance. The node tolerance is the distance that nodes can be apart and is established in the Building Structural Analysis tab of the Preferences dialog.

Accessed from:

  • Ribbon: StationDesigner > Structural > Structural Analysis > Split Nodes > Merge Nodes

You can merge nodes by selecting them one at a time, or you can merge them by selection set. Selection set makes it very easy to merge nodes if a model has been imported. Be sure to set your node tolerance properly.

Location Method Choose the method for determining which nodes will be merged.
  • Selection — Lets you select the nodes to merge in a view showing analytical data.
  • Tolerance — Enables Node Tolerance field. Lets you enter a value in the Node Tolerance field.
Node Tolerance Enter the tolerance to use in determining which nodes will be merged.
Key-in: stfNODE MERGE