OpenBuildings™ Station Designer Help

Manage DataGroup Annotation Cells

Used to create new DataGroup annotation cells and to manage component annotation cells. Settings and options including selection of DataGroup catalog types (walls, doors, windows, cabinets), cell symbol and label attributes, cell symbol format settings, cell annotation text string settings, symbol cell settings, and annotation symbol cell library settings are managed.

Accessed from:

  • Ribbon: StationDesigner > Drawing Production > Place Annotation > Element Annotation split button > Manage Annotation Cells

Manage DataGroup Annotation Cells toolbar The following tools are available from the Manage DataGroup Annotation Cells toolbar.
  • Create New Cell Model — Opens the Create Model Dialog where new cell names and destination directory file locations are established.

  • Copy Current Cell Model — Opens the Copies Current Cell dialog where copied cell model names and descriptions are established.

    • Cell to Copy – Selects a cell from the option menu containing all cells in the active cell library. You are asked to select another cell from the option menu if the selected cell name is currently in use.
    • Name – Defines a new name for the copied cell.
    • Description – Defines the description for the copied cell.
    • OK – Creates a copy of the selected cell and leaves the dialog open for another copy selection.
    • Cancel – Discards all settings and work prior to the selection of the OK button and dismisses the dialog.
  • Edit Cell Name and Description — Opens the Edit Cell Name and Description dialog where cell names and descriptions are edited.

    • Name – Edits the currently displayed cell name. You are asked to reenter another cell name if the entered cell name is currently in use.
    • Description – Edits the currently displayed cell description.
    • OK – Renames the current cell and cell description, and dismisses the dialog.
    • Cancel – Discards all settings and work and dismisses the dialog.
  • Delete Current Cell Model — Deletes the selected datagroup annotation cell from the Manage DataGroup Annotation Cells utility.
  • Define Cell Model Origin — Select this toolbar icon to place an origin point cell by entering a data point to define the datagroup annotation cell origin for a new annotation cell model.
Current Library Displays the directory path for the active cell library.
  • Current Library browse button — Opens the Select Cell Library dialog where navigation to, and selection of, active cell libraries is accomplished.
Current Annotation Cell Displays the names of the active datagroup annotation library cells. Newly created datagroup annotation cell names are also available from this option menu when created. Menu selections determine what displays in the DataGroup Information list box.
Description Displays the description of the newly created datagroup annotation cell.
Type option menu Sets the datagroup catalog type for which annotation cells are available for selection. Available option menu selections are based on current, active DataGroup System catalogs.
DataGroup Information Group box settings include datagroup catalog type attributes and settings to set character length, format, and accuracy.
  • DataGroup Information list box — Displays all of the attributes for the active datagroup catalog type, chosen from the Type option menu.
  • Length — Displays the text string character length for the active cell text string. Values are dependent on the current selection in the DataGroup Information list box.
  • Place Text button — The selected attribute in the DataGroup Information list box is dynamically attached to the pointer and can be placed with a data point when this button is selected. The layer, symbology, text size, font, and justification are based on active symbology settings.
  • Format — Sets the proper format for the selected attribute in the DataGroup Information list box. While all available formats are listed in the option menu, only those applicable for the selected attribute are enabled.

    The Custom option opens the VBA Module Details dialog.

    • Project Name – Enter the name of the VBA project in this text field.
    • Module Name – Enter the name of the module for the VBA project in this text field.
    • Function Name – Enter the name of the function used to format the datagroup information.
  • Accuracy — Sets the decimal position or fractional numeric accuracy for the selected attribute. This option menu is enabled when the selected attribute in the DataGroup Information list box requires a numeric value.
Close Closes the datagroup annotation cell library, and simultaneously closes the Manage DataGroup Annotation Cells dialog and opens the previous DGN file.