OpenBuildings™ Station Designer Help

CGM Reference Files Settings Dialog

Used to set how OpenBuildings™ Station Designer design file levels are converted to CGM layers.

You can access this dialog from the following:
  • Export CGM File dialog: Settings > Reference Files...

View Sets the view used.
Reference Files Sets how reference attachments are converted:
  • Merge — Attachments are merged into the CGM file.
  • Ignore — Attachments are not included in the CGM file.
Clipped Attachments Sets how clipped attachments are converted:
  • Merge — Clipped attachments are merged into the CGM file.
  • Ignore — Clipped attachments are not included in the CGM file.
Master File Attachments Sets how self-referencing attachments are converted:
  • Merge — Self-referencing attachments are merged into the CGM file.
  • Ignore — Self-referencing attachments are not included in the CGM file.