OpenBuildings™ Station Designer Help

AP203/AP214 Export Settings Dialog

Used to change export settings.

You can access this dialog from the following:
  • Export STEP AP203/AP214 File dialog: Settings > Export Settings

General Settings This section covers logging and the selection of STEP AP203 or AP214.
Use Logging Used to control the output of a log file. If on (the default), the translator creates a log file in the directory pointed to by the MS_STEPOUT configuration variable. If off, no log file created.
Save As Controls the schema used to create the exported file.
  • AP 203 — If selected, the schema is CONFIG_CONTROL_DESIGN.
  • AP 214 — If selected, the schema is AUTOMOTIVE_DESIGN.
Solid Bodies Export as Solids. There are no options.
Sheet Bodies Sets how sheet entities are exported.
  • Export as Sheets — Surfaces are exported as sheet bodies. (Default)
  • Export as Trimmed Surfaces — Surfaces are exported as trimmed surfaces.
Wire Bodies Sets how wires/curves are exported.
  • Export as Wires — Wires/curves are exported as wire bodies. (Default)
  • Export as Trimmed Curves — Wires/curves are exported as trimmed curves.
Max Surface-BSpline Fit Tolerance Sets the maximum tolerance for surface to B-spline conversions. Some surfaces used in OpenBuildings™ Station Designer may not be allowed in STEP. These surfaces are converted to B-spline surfaces in STEP. Whenever such a conversion takes place, the converted B-spline surface is not an exact representation of the original surface. This B-spline surface is exact only within a certain tolerance. The translator tries to make it as close to the original surface as possible. This option allows you to specify a maximum limit on this approximation. The default value is 0.0001. If the export operation fails and the log file says that a certain B-spline conversion has failed, then increase the tolerance and try again.
Max Curve-BCurve Fit Tolerance Sets the maximum tolerance for curve to B-spline Curve conversions.
Use Short Names Allows you to specify whether the STEP file needs to contain short names for entities or long names. The default setting uses the long names. For example, the cartesian_point entity is output as CARTESIAN_POINT in the STEP file. However, to decrease the size of the STEP file, STEP allows the usage of short names. In such a case the same entity would be output as CRTPNT.
Output Entity Names Allows you to specify whether the entity names need to be output or not. Most of the geometric entities have the first attribute as an entity name. At present, the AP203 translator outputs the name of the STEP entity itself. If you do not require the names to be output, you can choose not to do so by choosing this option.