OpenBuildings™ Station Designer Help

Line Styles Dialog

Used to browse and activate line styles and set line style modifiers.

You can access this dialog from the following:
  • Ribbon: Drawing > Home > Attributes > Line Style > Settings
  • Ribbon: Modeling > Home > Attributes > Line Style > Settings

Names Lists the names of line styles in the open line style libraries. OpenBuildings™ Station Designer searches for and automatically opens the line style libraries specified in the MS_SYMBRSRC configuration variable settings. If MS_SYMBRSRC is not defined or the specified file(s) are not found, OpenBuildings™ Station Designer searches for and automatically opens "lstyle.rsc" in the directory specified in the MS_RSRCPATH setting.

Double-clicking a line style name makes the line style the Active Line Style for element placement.

LC= [ line_style ]
Note: In an LC= key-in, line_style can be a partial line style name. If the partial name does not uniquely specify a line style, the Select Line Style dialog opens. In this dialog a line style can be selected from the list of those whose names are partially specified.
Note: In an LC= key-in, line_style can be the number of a standard line style (0-7) instead of the name (or partial name) of a custom line style.
File Shows the filename of the contributing resource file.
Origin If on, sets the starting width, in master units, of each dash stroke displayed with width in the Active Line Style (thereby modifying the starting widths specified for these strokes in the line style definition).

While the check box is off, Origin cannot be adjusted (the field is dimmed).

End If on, sets the ending width, in master units, of each dash stroke displayed with width in the Active Line Style (thereby modifying the ending widths specified for these strokes in the line style definition).

While the check box is off, End cannot be adjusted (the field is dimmed).

True Width If on, prevents the Scale factor from being applied to the line style. This option is provided for compatibility with DWG format.
Scale Factor If on, sets the scale factor applied to all displayable characteristics (dash length and width, point symbol size) of the Active Line Style.

While the check box is off, Scale Factor cannot be adjusted (the field is dimmed).

Note: In 3D, the surface normal vector that defines the plane used for line offsets and point symbol orientation is automatically set based on the z-axis of the view in which the element is placed.
Shift Sets the method by which each stroke pattern in the Active Line Style is shifted. If Distance or Fraction is chosen, a field displays for setting the distance or fraction.
  • None — stroke patterns are not shifted.
  • Distance — the distance, in master units, that stroke patterns are shifted relative to the beginning of elements or element segments (thereby modifying all such distances specified in the line style definition). For example, if the distance is equal to half the length of a stroke pattern component of the Active Line Style, only the second half of the stroke pattern displays at the start of elements before the stroke pattern begins to repeat.
  • Fraction — the fraction, in decimal, of the first strokes in stroke patterns that display at the start and end of elements or element segments (thereby modifying all such fractions specified in the line style definition).
  • Centered — used to replicate DWG line styles by finding the number of whole patterns of a line style that fit on a given line, centering the patterns on the line and then stretching the leading and trailing dashes (or gaps) to fit.
Click to Activate (line style description) Shows the line style selected in the Names list box with active modifiers (Origin/End, Scale Factor, Shift) applied. Clicking this button makes the line style the Active Line Style for element placement.
Note: The line style description is actually the description of the line style component to which the line style selected in the Names list box is directly linked.