OpenBuildings™ Station Designer Help

Item Types Dialog

Used to create custom item types and add properties to custom item types.

You can access this dialog from the following:

  • Ribbon: Drawing > Attach > Item Types > Item Types dialog launcher
  • Ribbon: Modeling > Content > Item Types > Item Types dialog launcher
  • Ribbon: Admin > Home > Collections

Saves the selected item type and all its settings in the DGN file.
New Item Type Library
Creates a new item type library. An Item type library can contain multiple item types and property types. You can also create item type libraries in a DGN library file pointed by the MS_DGNLIBLIST configuration variable. These item type libraries will be displayed in your DGN file.
New Item Type
Creates a new item type.
New Property Definition
Creates a new property in the selected item type or property type.
New Property Type
Creates a new property type. A property type is a collection of properties, which can be used by any item type in the same library. The property type displays in the Type drop-down list of property definition.

Cuts the selected item type, property type, or property definition.

Copies the selected item type, property type, or property definition to clipboard.

Pastes the cut or copied item type, property type, or property definition.
Move Property Up

Moves the property definition up one position in this dialog's hierarchy as well as in the Properties dialog.
Note: You can also use the drag-and -drop functionality to move the properties up.
Move Property Down

Moves the property definition down one position in this dialog's hierarchy as well as in the Properties dialog.
Note: You can also use the drag-and -drop functionality to move the properties down.
Show Differences

Opens the Item Type Library Differences dialog, which is used to compare the properties of item type libraries. You can compare the local item type library with the one in the DGNLib file. You can also select any two item type libraries and click this icon to get the difference between the selected item type libraries.
Update from Library

If the selected item type library is imported from a DGN library file, updates it to reflect changes in the DGN library.
Resets each selected item type to its previously saved version.

Deletes the selected item type, property type, or property definition.
Properties The Properties section displays the properties of the selected item type, property type, or property definition.
Properties > Item Type Displays the parameters and values of the selected item type.
  • Item Name - Specifies the label for items created from the selected item type. You can choose to use the name of the item type, or to use the value of one of the property definitions.
  • Use Item Name for Element - If set to Yes, and if the item type is attached to an element, the element's label in the Explorer dialog and Properties dialog will be the same as the item's label. If more than one item type attached to an element has this option set to Yes, then the label of the element will be the first one that the product finds.
Properties > Property Type Displays the parameters and values of the selected property type.
  • Is Referenced - Indicates whether the selected property type is used by another property definition.
Properties > Property Definition Displays the parameters and values of the selected property.
  • Type - Selects the type of property. By default there are following property types.
    • Text
    • Number
    • Integer
    • True/False
    • Date/Time
    • Point
    You can also add a property type. For example, you create a property type, say Customer Info that has properties, say Name, Address, and Phone Number. The Customer Info type appears in the Type drop-down list of a property definition. When you select Customer Info, the Name, Address, and Phone Number properties are added as parameters to the property.
  • Is Array - Allows you to create multiple values of the same property. If set to True, in the Properties dialog, where you view the item properties, you can add multiple values of the same item type by selecting Add entry. For example, say you have a property called Team Members and you want to add names of team members in your project. To achieve this, first set Is Array to True and assign the item type to an element. Then select the element and open the Properties dialog. In the Properties dialog, in the Team Members row, right-click and select Add entry. An entry is created below the Team Members row. In the right-side of the row, enter the name of your project team member and press <Enter>. To add more entries, again right-click on the Team Members row and select Add entry and enter the name of your project team member. You can also remove an entry by right-clicking the row and selecting Remove entry. You can also remove all entries at once by right-clicking the array property and selecting Remove all entries.
  • Default Value - Enter the default value of the property.
  • Units - (Displayed only when the Type is Number or Point) Selects the unit of the property.
Libraries > New Creates a new item type library.
Libraries > Save Saves the selected item type and all its settings in the DGN file.
Libraries > Update from Library Updates the selected item types in the DGN file that are based on library item types to reflect changes in the DGN library.
Libraries > Reset Resets each selected item type to its previously saved version.
Libraries > Save All Saves all the item types and their settings.
Libraries > Import Used to import item types from a .dgn or .dgnlib file. Opens the Open dialog from where you can select the .dgn or .dgnlib file.
Libraries > Update All From Library Updates all item types in the DGN file that are based on library item types to reflect changes in the DGN library.
Libraries > Exit Closes the Item Types dialog.
Utilities > Preferred Units Opens the Preferred Units dialog that is used to select unit types that you want to be displayed in the Units property. The changes made in this dialog are local to the active file.
Utilities > Upgrade Tag Sets Opens the Upgrade Tag Sets dialog that is used to upgrade tags sets to item types.
Pop-up menu for Item Type Library Right-clicking an item type library opens a pop-up menu with following choices:
  • New Item Type - Creates a new item type in the selected item type library.
  • New Property Type - Creates a new property type. A property type is a collection of properties, which can be used by any item type in the same library. The property type displays in the Type drop-down list of property definition.
  • Rename - Allows you to key in a new name for the selected item type library.
  • Save - Saves the selected item type library and all its settings in the DGN file.
  • Cut - Cuts the selected item type library.
  • Copy - Copies the selected item type library to clipboard.
  • Paste - Pastes the cut or copied item type library.
  • Delete - Deletes the selected item type library.
  • Open Library - If an item type library is imported from a .dgnlib file, opens the .dgnlib file.
Pop-up Menu for Item Types Right-clicking an item type opens a pop-up menu with following choices:
  • New Property Definition - Creates a new property in the selected item type.
  • Rename - Allows you to key in a new name for the selected item type.
  • Cut - Cuts the selected item type.
  • Copy - Copies the selected item type to clipboard.
  • Paste - Pastes the cut or copied item type.
  • Delete - Deletes the selected item type.
  • Attach to Element - Starts the Attach Item tool using which you can attach an item to an element.
Pop-up Menu for Property Definition Right-clicking a property definition opens a pop-up menu with following choices:
  • Rename - Allows you to key in a new name for the selected property definition.
  • Move Property Up - Moves the property definition up one position in this dialog's hierarchy as well as in the Properties dialog.
  • Move Property Down - Moves the property definition down one position in this dialog's hierarchy as well as in the Properties dialog.
  • Cut - Cuts the selected property definition.
  • Copy - Copies the selected property definition to clipboard.
  • Paste - Pastes the cut or copied property definition.
  • Delete - Deletes the selected property definition.
Pop-up Menu for Property Type Right-clicking a property type opens a pop-up menu with following choices:
  • New Property Definition - Creates a new property in the selected item type.
  • Rename - Allows you to key in a new name for the selected property type.
  • Cut - Cuts the selected property type.
  • Copy - Copies the selected property type to clipboard.
  • Paste - Pastes the cut or copied property type.
  • Delete - Deletes the selected property type.