OpenBuildings™ Station Designer Help

Inline Device types

The Inline Devices group comprise devices used to manage air flow, circulation and conditioning of air in HVAC system.

Key In Syntax

Follows the Placement Key In syntax.
BMECH PLACE COMPONENTBYNAME <schema name> <item name> dsc=HVAC
Types of Inline Devices
The below list of fittings illustrates the tool icon along with the <schema name> <item name> used in above key in syntax, and the description of the fitting.
RectDamperConnOvl "Rectangular Blades" Oval Rectangular Blade Damper — Rectangular blade damper with a number of blades designed for oval connections. It is used mainly to control air flow in the ventilation system. The Control Drive option can be set to Motor controlled, with Handle or Nil.
RectDamperConnRnd "Rectangular Blades" Round-Rectangular Blade Damper — Damper with circular connections is equipped with a number of rectangular blades, used mainly to control air flow in the ventilation system. The Control Drive option can be set to Motor controlled, with Handle or Nil.
RectInlineDampersFlat "Flat Inline" Rectangular Flat Inline Damper — This component can be placed inside a duct by sensing a connect point, and then locating it with a final data point.
BranchTypeSplitterDamper "Splitter" Branch Type Splitter Damper — Adjustable blade size and placement at desired offset at suitable angle control airflow between the branches between supply ducts.
OvalInlineDampersFlat "Flat Inline" Oval Flat Inline Damper — This component can be placed inside a duct by sensing a connect point, and then locating it with a final data point.
RectangularDamper "BackDraft" Backdraft Damper — Adjustable blade size and placement at desired offset at suitable angle control airflow between the branches between supply ducts.
RectangularDamper "MotorisedVolumeControl" Motorized Volume Control Damper — Power operated VCD damper designed to control airflow in the duct assembly.
RectangularDamper "Rectangular Damper" Rectangular Damper — Damper with number of rectangular opposed blades. It is used to control circulating air in heating, cooling and ventilating systems. The Control Drive option can be set to Motor controlled, with Handle or Nil.
RectangularDamper "VolumeControl" Volume Control Damper — VCD damper designed for the balancing of airflow rates, suitable to install in duct branches of ventilation system.
RectangularFireDamper1 "FireDamper (Vertical)" Rectangular Fire Damper (Vertical) — Vertical mount rectangular fire damper for ease of installation.
RectangularFireDamper2 "FireDamper (Horizontal)" Rectangular Fire Damper (Horizontal) — Used where air ducts penetrate fire-resistant compartment walls. Its role is to maintain the fire resistance rating of the penetrated wall and to prevent smoke propagation. Horizontal mount.
RoundDamper Default Round Damper — Round, single blade damper with adjustable blade depth and diameter. It is used in conventional air handling systems to control airflow in a round duct.
RoundDamper "MotorisedVolumeControl" Round Motorized Volume Control Damper — Power operated VCD damper designed to control airflow in the ducts needing airflow control.
RoundDamper "VolumeControl" Round Volume Control Damper — VCD damper designed for the balancing of airflow rates in ventilation system, suitable to install in duct branches.
RoundFireDamper1 "FireDamper (Vertical)" Round Fire Damper (Vertical) — Vertical mount, fire dampers in round configuration achieves optimum pressure drops.
RoundFireDamper2 "FireDamper (Horizontal)" Round Fire Damper (Horizontal) — Horizontal mount, round fire dampers are used where air ducts penetrate fire-resistant compartment walls. Its role is to maintain the fire resistance rating of the penetrated wall and to prevent smoke propagation.
RoundInlineDampersFlat "Flat Inline" Round Inline Dampers Flat — This component can be placed inside a duct by sensing a connect point, and then locating it with a final data point.
SplitterDamper "Splitter" Splitter Damper — angle facilitate proper division of airflow in the ducts.
CurtainFireDamperRect Default Curtain Fire Damper rectangular — a 'curtain style rectangular damper' component for rectangular connection.
CurtainFireDamperRound Default Curtain Fire Damper round — a 'curtain style rectangular damper' component for round connection.
CurtainFireDamperOval Default Curtain Fire Damper oval — a 'curtain style rectangular damper' component for oval connection.
Air Filters
RectangularZigZagFilter ZigZag Rectangular Zigzag Filter — Zig zag filter having rectangular connections to be placed in rectangular ductwork.
RectangularFlatFilter Flat Rectangular Flat Filter — Flat filter having rectangular connections to be placed in rectangular ductwork.
RoundFlatFilter Flat Round Flat Filter — Flat filter having round connections to be placed in rectangular ductwork.
RoundZigZagFilter ZigZag Round ZigZag Filter — Zig zag filter having round connections to be placed in round ductwork.
OvalFlatFilter Flat Oval Flat Filter — Flat filter having oval connections to be placed in flat oval ductwork.
OvalZigZagFilter ZigZag Oval ZigZag Filter — Zig zag filter having oval connections to be placed in flat oval ductwork.
Duct Silencers
RectangularSilencer Default Rectangular Silencer — Designed to match the dimensions of the connecting equipment or ductwork requiring no rectangular transitions or plenums.
RoundSilencer Default Round Silencer — Cylindrical silencer reduces noise in rigid round ductwork, by absorbing sound in ventilation and air-conditioning installations.
OvalSilencer Default Oval Silencer — Oval silencer designed to match the dimensions of the connecting equipment or oval ductwork. It reduces noise in rigid ductwork, by absorbing sound in ventilation and air-conditioning installations.
RectangularCrosstalkSilencer "CrosstalkSilencer" Crosstalk and Vent Shaft Silencer — The unit permits air transfer while attenuating unwanted noise, is designed to supply continuous ventilation between adjacent spaces while maintaining sound transmission ratings of the common partition. According to the space capacity the number of dampers can be set and the gap between dampers can be tuned.
Air Property Devices
RectangularAirCooler Cooler Rectangular Air Cooler — Air Cooler having rectangular connections to be placed in rectangular ductwork.
RoundAirCooler Cooler Round Air Cooler — Air Cooler having rectangular connections to be placed in round ductwork.
OvalAirCooler Cooler Oval Air Cooler — Air Heater having rectangular connections to be placed in flat oval ductwork.
RectangularAirHeater Heater Rectangular Air Heater — Air Heater having rectangular connections to be placed in rectangular ductwork.
RoundAirHeater Heater Round Air Heater — Air Heater having rectangular connections to be placed in round ductwork.
OvalAirHeater Heater Oval Air Heater — Air Heater having rectangular connections to be placed in flat oval ductwork.
RectangularAirHumidifier Humidifier Rectangular Air Humidifier — Air Humidifier having rectangular connections to be placed in rectangular ductwork.
RoundAirHumidifier Humidifier Round Air Humidifier — Air Humidifier having rectangular connections to be placed in round ductwork.
OvalAirHumidifier Humidifier Oval Air Humidifier — Air Humidifier having rectangular connections to be placed in flat oval ductwork.
RectAirMoistureEliminator MoistureEliminator Rectangular Air Moisture Eliminator — Air Moisture Eliminator having rectangular connections to be placed in rectangular ductwork.
RndAirMoistureEliminator MoistureEliminator Round Air Moisture Eliminator — Air Moisture Eliminator having rectangular connections to be placed in round ductwork.
OvalAirMoistureEliminator MoistureEliminator Oval Air Moisture Eliminator — Air Moisture Eliminator having rectangular connections to be placed in flat oval ductwork.