OpenBuildings™ Station Designer Help

Grid Systems Orientation

The Grid System Orientation toolbar is used to manage Grid System Orientation tasks.

Grid Systems can be graphically oriented relative to one another or within the context of existing project data

It is opened by selecting the Modify > Grid Orientation in the Grid Systems dialog. OpenBuildings™ Station Designer switches to a special edit mode, where it creates a temporary working model to graphically display the grid definition in a view containing the active DGN as a reference for design context. While in this mode, the floating Grid Systems Orientation toolbar opens. It is optimized for completing the specific task of Grid Systems Orientation. Snaps are automatically set to Multi-snap mode in a way that works most readily for grids. Grids can be moved and rotated multiple times. You can snap to any other part of any grid as well as any of the project context provided in the active reference(s).

Grid Systems Lists the grid definitions currently available in the Grid Systems Manager. The grid definition that was highlighted in the Grid System Settings table list will be picked as default. The drop-down options allow selecting one of the grid definitions to be modified. Grid geometry of the selected grid definition in the drop-down is highlighted in the view.
Move When selected, the cursor turns cross (X) and clicking on any grid element of the highlighted grid enters the data point in the view. Drag to orient the grid in the direction and at desired distance and click in the view. This defines another data point where the grid is moved. You may use the AccuDraw in association with the move command.
Rotate When selected, the cursor turns cross (X) and clicking on any grid element of the highlighted grid enters the pivot data point in the view. This is the fixed point to which the grid will rotate about. Click another point to define the start point of rotation, followed by that click in the view after suitable rotation is achieved (the highlighted grid graphics dynamically orients) to enter third point at distance that defines amount of rotation. You may use the AccuDraw in association with the rotate command.
Finish Completes the modify operation, and returns you to Grid Systems dialog and the 3D model. The changes made in orientation are reflected in the offsets and rotation values in the Grid Definition table.
Cancel Reverts changes, if any made to the Grids, and returns you to Grid Systems dialog and the 3D model, keeping the original orientations.
Note: No data is changed or written to the active model or DGN in this temporary working model mode.