OpenBuildings™ Station Designer Help

Engineering Links Configuration Variables

OpenBuildings™ Station Designer includes configuration variables to help set up all aspects of the design history.

The following table lists the configuration variables that affect Design History. Each configuration variable expects a valid value. An invalid value will not override a setting. You do not need to close and restart in order for the configuration variable change to take effect.

Variable Short name Description
MS_WEBLIB_HISTORY Weblib history History file for the Weblib shared library.
MS_BOOKMARKS_IMAGE Image bookmarks Bookmark file for remote images.
MS_BOOKMARKS_RSC Resource bookmarks Bookmark file for remote resource files.
MS_BOOKMARKS_ARCHIVE Archive bookmarks Bookmark file for remote archives.
MS_BOOKMARKS_CELL Cell library bookmarks Bookmark file for remote cell libraries.
MS_BOOKMARKS_DGN DGN bookmarks Bookmark file for remote DGN files.
MS_WEBKIOSKMODE Kiosk mode Set to 1 to turn on kiosk mode.
MS_WEBTYPESFILE Special filetype handling Specifies a file that contains special handling instructions for various file types.
MS_WEBFILES_DIR Weblib local storage Directory in which copies of remote files are stored.
MS_WEBDOWNLOADDIR Download directory Sets the directory in which WWW downloads are stored.
MS_BROWSERMAKECHILDWINDOW Reparent browser When set to 1, the current browser is reparented inside of the main window, allowing the viewer to always be seen.
MS_USEEXTERNALBROWSER External browser name Sets an external browser.