OpenBuildings™ Station Designer Help

3D Printing

OpenBuildings™ Station Designer includes many tools that enable teams to more efficiently create 3D print-ready models.

The following tools are helpful for thickening small parts for 3D printing.

The following tools are helpful for fixing inconsistent normals for 3D printing.

The Close Mesh Voids tool can be used to close a mesh element to a volume for 3D printing.

These tools can be used to create closed volumes for 3D printing.

  • Extrude Mesh Volume — Can be used to make a closed volume from an open mesh.
  • Convert to Solid — Useful when you are trying to close open sides on a closed surface element to create a closed volume.
  • Surface by Extrusion — Helpful for filling gaps between elements in a 3D printing model.

There are several tools that you can use to check models to ensure that they are ready for 3D printing.

  • Mesh Audit — Useful for making sure mesh elements create a closed volume without gaps.
  • Tools from the Measure toolbox — Can be used to check the thickness of small parts to make sure that they will be printable, or to check the dimensions of the base of a part to make sure that it will fit within the 3D printer’s build envelope.

You can export DGN files to file formats required by 3D printing machines.

  • Stereolithography (*.stl) — Allows you to export the selected element(s) to an .STL file, which is the file type that most 3D printing machines require. This file output does not save color.
  • Export to VRML — Allows you to export the selected view to a VRML file, which is a common form of rapid prototyping file that includes color and bitmap information. Use this format to print 3D printing models with color.

These tools can be used to isolate elements or trim models for 3D printing.

  • Clip Volume — Allows you to isolate elements prior to trimming models.
  • Place Fence — Helpful for selecting part(s) of a model to be trimmed. The Fence Mode "Clip" setting can be used to create a closed element along the cut edge.
  • Copy/Move Fence Contents to New File — Helpful for selecting part(s) of a model to be saved in a new file for 3D printing. The Fence Mode "Clip" setting can be used to create a closed element along the cut edge.

To learn about best practices for 3D printing in OpenBuildings™ Station Designer, see the Bentley Communities wiki.