OpenBuildings™ Station Designer Help

Typical Configuration Scenario

Let's assume an organization, Tensor Engineering, performs services for a number of clients. The firm has its own internal standards for drawing borders, cell libraries, levels, materials, and so on. However, some of its clients require that their own standards be used in addition or instead. The firm's Information Technology (IT) department uses one server "Tensor" for internal standards. One of its major clients is Imperial Biotechnology Company, who has their own standards. The IT department maintains a server "Imperial" for all of the work that it does for Imperial Biotechnology. The administrator is tasked with defining the appropriate Configuration for Tensor Engineering and for the work it does on behalf of Imperial Biotechnology, and getting all OpenBuildings™ Station Designer users to share that Configuration. Here are steps that should be taken.

Tensor's OpenBuildings™ Station Designer administrator configures the OpenBuildings™ Station Designer installation to point the Custom Configuration to \\Tensor\OpenBuildings™ Station Designer\Configuration\". This defines the _USTN_CONFIGURATION variable when OpenBuildings™ Station Designer.

The administrator copies the delivered WorkSpaceSetup.cfg to the \\Tensor\MicroStation\Configuration directory (to which _USTN_CONFIGURATION is defined at startup) and edits it to read as follows:
#  WorkSpaceSetup.cfg - Configures WorkSpace for Tensor Engineering
# Set the WorkSpace label to Client

# Tensor-wide standards are located on the ‘Tensor’ server
_USTN_ORGANIZATION	= //Tensor/MicroStation/TensorStandards/

# Tensor Client Configuration files are located on the server.
_USTN_WORKSPACESROOT	= //Tensor/MicroStation/Clients/

Copy the "NoWorkSpace" and "Template" directories to new location of "_USTN_WORKSPACESROOT". In this example the location is, //Tensor/MicroStation/Clients/.

Tensor Engineering decides to use the Bentley-suggested subdirectory structure for its internal standards. Therefore the administrator creates the same subdirectories as are in the delivered example Configuration \Organization directory, and populates those directories with cell libraries, DGNLIBS, materials, fonts, etc. that match Tensor standards. Since the subdirectory structure is the same as the example, the administrator simply copies the delivered Standards.cfg to the \\Tensor\OpenBuildings™ Station Designer\TensorStandards\ directory. Since all Configuration Variable definitions in standards.cfg are relative to _USTN_ORGANIZATION, no changes are needed.

The administrator sets up the Imperial Biotechnology configuration. The starting point is the Example.cfg file delivered in Configuration\WorkSpaces, so he or she copies that file to "Imperial BioTechnology.cfg" in the \\Tensor\OpenBuildings™ Station Designer\Clients\ directory. Since all of the Imperial Biotechnology data is located on the Imperial server (in the share called OpenBuildings™ Station Designer), the easiest thing to do is to simply redirect _USTN_WORKSPACEROOT to a share on that server. The 'OpenBuildings™ Station Designer' share contains Standards and WorkSets subdirectories, which match the defaults for _USTN_WORKSPACESTANDARDS and _USTN_WORKSETSROOT, so there is no need to set those. Imperial Biotechnology supplies some additional DGNLIB files and cell libraries used for Tensor to use, so those are appended to the appropriate Configuration Variables. So the completed "Imperial Biotechnology.cfg" WorkSpace looks like this:
# Imperial Biotechnology.cfg – Configuration for Imperial Biotechnology
# All of the standards and WorkSets for Imperial are located on the
# ‘Imperial’ server.
_USTN_WORKSPACEROOT	=	//Imperial/MicroStation/

# Imperial Biotechnology supplies several DgnLibs and GUI DgnLib files:

# Imperial Biotechnology supplies several Cell libraries, so
#  add their subdirectory to the Cell library search path.
MS_CELL                 > $(_USTN_WORKSPACESTANDARDS)Cell/

Tensor Engineering secures a new contract with Imperial Biotechnology for renovation of their laboratory in Taos, New Mexico. In the "Imperial Biotechnology" WorkSpace, they create a new WorkSet called 'Taos'. The Create WorkSet dialog copies the WorkSet template to _USTN_WORKSETSROOT, creating \\Imperial\OpenBuildings™ Station Designer\WorkSets\Taos.cfg. The administrator retains the defaults for the standards and data location, so the Create WorkSet dialog creates subdirectories \\Imperial\OpenBuildings™ Station Designer\WorkSets\Taos\Standards and \\Imperial\OpenBuildings™ Station Designer\WorkSets\Taos\Dgn to hold the standards and design files for this WorkSet.

The folder structure for this scenario would look something like this: