OpenBuildings™ Station Designer Help

CTB Export

If a pen table contains a pen map section, the pen maps can be exported to an AutoCAD CTB file by selecting File > Export CTB File in the Modify Pen Table dialog.

When a CTB file is exported, OpenBuildings™ Station Designer writes only the data relevant to the pen map section. Other pen table resymbolization actions, such as end caps, line joints, patterns, and the like, are not exported to the CTB file.

If a CTB file is imported into the pen table and then exported, the extra data that OpenBuildings™ Station Designer does not modify is preserved. This must be done, however, in a single pen table session.

OpenBuildings™ Station Designer does not store any "unrecognized" CTB data in a pen table file. The topic Saving a CTB/STB file to a pen table provides more information on exporting these files to a pen table.

OpenBuildings™ Station Designer cannot export to an STB file.