OpenBuildings™ Station Designer Help

The Sketch Grids Temporary Model

Is a transient model working environment specifically provided for Sketch Grids. The Sketch Grids temporary model opens when you add or modify sketch grid lines.

Selecting Add/Modify in the Grid Lines Settings taskbar closes the Grid Systems dialog, and OpenBuildings™ Station Designer starts a session of Sketch Grid mode, with floating Add/Modify Grid Lines toolbar.

  • The Sketch Grids temporary model opens and closes automatically when working with Sketch Grids.
  • The Add/Modify Grid Lines contains tools used to draw, label, manipulate and modify grid lines.
  • Sketch Grids automatically references the master model in your DGN or your defined grid systems providing geometry to snap to when drawing your grid lines.
  • Sketched grid lines are labeled as you draw them. Labels are automatically incremented based on a "start value" you enter.