OpenBuildings™ Station Designer Help

To create a custom text style

  1. Select StationDesigner > Drawing Production > Text > Text Styles from the ribbon.

    The Text Styles dialog appears.

  2. Select Style > New.

    A new style called Untitled-1 appears in the list.

  3. Change the name of the style to a title you will remember. In this procedure, we will call our new style StackedFractionLabel.
  4. While the General tab is still active, turn on the Fractions check box. In the Font option menu, select the font to use.
    Note: You must test out your font prior to settling on a font. See the next step.
  5. To test your font, use the Text Editor. Type a sample piece of text, making sure to use a stacked fraction (1/4, 1/2, for example). Be sure to enter a space before and after the fraction.

    If the font will support stacked fractions, it will show in the text. If it will not, the fraction will not be stacked.