OpenBuildings™ Station Designer Help

Using Protected Files

When a user attempts to open a protected file, he must first obtain a license. How a user obtains a license depends on how the file was encrypted and what type of licenses are in the file.

Protection type Description
Certificate preferred If the file was protected using a certificate, OpenBuildings™ Station Designer first tries to find certificate-based license. OpenBuildings™ Station Designer opens the file using the first certificate-based license the user can open. If the license does not possess the private key needed to open any certificate-based license, then OpenBuildings™ Station Designer tries password-based access. If there is no password license or Everyone license in the file, then the user is denied access. If there are any password licenses in the file, OpenBuildings™ Station Designer prompts the user for a password and attempts to open the file. If the password is invalid, the user is denied access to the file. If the user presses Enter without entering a password, OpenBuildings™ Station Designer attempts to obtain the Everyone license. If there is an Everyone license, the file is opened using that license. If not, access is denied.
Password preferred If the file was protected using a password, you are prompted for the password. If a password is entered, OpenBuildings™ Station Designer attempts to obtain a password license. If the password is valid, the corresponding license is used to open the file. If the password is invalid, access is denied. If the user presses Enter without entering a password, OpenBuildings™ Station Designer attempts to obtain the Everyone license. If there is an Everyone license, the file is opened using that license. If not, access is denied.

After opening a protected file, a lock icon displays in the status bar.

Note: When a pre-File Protection version of OpenBuildings™ Station Designer V8 tries to open a protected file, it recognizes the file as a V8 encrypted file. An explanatory message displays but the files does not open.

A gold lock indicates a protected file

While in a protected file, OpenBuildings™ Station Designer disables functions when the corresponding right was not granted as part of the license. Here is a partial listing of functions by right.

Right Granted Functions Enabled
Print File > Print > Print

File > Print > Print Preview

PRINT key-in

Export File > Export

File > Save As

FENCE FILE (FF=) key-in

<Ctrl+C> (copy to clipboard)

<Ctrl+X> (cut to clipboard)

Edit File > Save


In some cases, a command may start but then fail because a right has not been granted. For example, a user enters the PRINT key-in when the Print right has not been granted. In that case, the command is aborted with the following error message: "the author" has restricted access to the DGN file. The current operation requires an access right that has not been granted.

Note: The file is read-only if the license does not grant the Edit right.