OpenBuildings™ Station Designer Help

Configuration: IFC Category

Lists user configuration variables that generally apply to IFC (Industry Foundation Classes).

Note: Unlike other categories, the majority of IFC variables can be set to user values after performing actions in IFC utilities such as IFC Export and the Bentley IFC Optimizer.
Variable Short Name Description
IFC_EXP_COMPRESS Compression of exported files Specifies whether or not the exported IFC file gets compressed.
  • When set to 0 (default), the file is compressed.
  • When set to an integer, the file is not compressed.
IFC_COBIE_SPREADSHEET Creation of COBie spreadsheet Specifies whether or not a COBie spreadsheet is created from the IFC file.
  • When set to 0 (default), a COBie spreadsheet cannot be created.
  • When set to 1, a COBie spreadsheet can be created.
TFIFC_UNIQUE_NAMES Creation of unique object names Specifies whether or not unique asset and spatial object names are created as per COBie requirement. The default is 0 (no unique names).
IFC_EXPORT_NO_PROXIES Export of unmapped elements Specifies how elements, not mapped to any IFC class, are exported.
  • When set to 0 (default), elements that are not mapped to any IFC class are exported as IfcBuildingElementProxy.
  • When set to 1, elements that are not mapped to any IFC class are not exported.
IFC_WORKSET Extend workset properties with IFC property sets Enables the workset dataset to be extended with IFC property sets.
  • When set to 0, the dataset is not extended.
  • When set to 1, the dataset is extended with IFC2x3 and IFC4 property sets.
  • When set to 2 (default), the dataset is extended with IFC2x3 property sets and Facilities Management Handover (COBie) property sets.
Note: Locked in the Configuration Variables dialog. The value can be changed by manually editing IFC configuration files.
IFCDIR Location of IFC dataset extension Specifies the root directory for the IFC dataset extension.
Warning: There can be no spaces in this directory path.
IFCDIR_PSD Location of IFC2x3 Property Set Definition Specifies the directory paths where IFC2x3 Property Set Definition files are stored.
IFCDIR_PSD4 Location of IFC4 Property Set Definition Specifies the directory paths where IFC4 Property Set Definition files are stored.
IFCDIR_SETTING Location of IFC settings files Specifies the directory for IFC setting files, such as export filters, mapping files, etc.
TFDIR_IFC Location of IFC files for import and export Specifies the default directory for IFC files for import and export.
Warning: The IFC module does not load if this configuration variable is not defined.
IFC_WORKSET_SETTING Location of workset-specific IFC setting files Specifies the directory for workset-specific IFC setting files, such as export filters, mapping files, etc.
Warning: There can be no spaces in this directory path.
IFC_DATASETNAME Name of IFC dataset extension Specifies the IFC dataset extension name.
IFC_EXP_OUT Overrides location of IFC files for export Overrides the export directory defined by TFDIR_IFC and specifies a separate output directory for exported IFC files.
IFC_EXP_FILTER Specifies name of export filter file Specifies name of export filter file.
IFC_EXP_FILTER_TYPES Export of unused type objects Specifies treatment of unused type objects.
  • When set to 0 (default), type objects which are not used by any entity are exported.
  • When set to 1, type objects not used by any entity are not exported.

Unlisted IFC configurations

Lists user configuration variables that generally apply to IFC which do not appear in the Configuration dialog.

Configuration Variable


IFC_DONT_FIT_VIEWS Sets the fit view command behavior when importing IFC files. The default is 0.
  • When set to 1, the fit view command is not executed for any view upon IFC import.
  • When set to 0, the fit view command is executed for all views upon IFC import.
IFC_EXP_ABSSTOREYELEVATION When set to 1, the IfcBuildingStorey height, for generated relative to the Building height, and absolute to the Building height when set to 0. The default is 0.
IFC_EXPORT_RECOVERY Specifies whether or not an IFC temporary file is created upon export.
  • When set to 0, IFC Export does not create a temporary file, so IFC export cannot resume
  • When set to 1, a temporary IFC file with intermediate results is created. IFC Export can resume from the model where the IFC export failed and append further IFC export data to the file.
IFC_MAPPED_PROPERTIES Specifies prefixes used to map IFC properties with DataGroup System properties. Only property sets defined in the buildingSMART IFC specification can be prefixed with Pset_. Additional prefixes (such as ePsets) can be added (comma-delimited).
IFC_PART_MAPPING Specifies the file name and directory path that maps Parts to IfcEntities.
Note: The IFC mapping file ifcmapping.set is located in the directory specified by TFDIR_SETTING.
IFC_ZIP_EXTRACT_DIR Specifies the extraction directory of zipped IFC-files upon import.
  • When defined (directory path), the defined directory is used.
  • When not defined, the directory used is the one defined by MS_TMP.
TFIFC_APPLY_GO Specifies whether or not the Global Origin should be used when exporting IFC files, and specifies whether or not, coordinates in the IFC file refer to the global origin.
  • When set to 1, all coordinates refer to the global origin.
  • When set to 0, the global origin is ignored and coordinates refer to 0,0,0.
TFIFC_NO_DATAGROUP Specified whether or not DataGroup data is exchanged as ifcPropertySets.
  • When set to 0, DataGroup data is imported and exported as IfcPropertySets.
  • When set to 1, DataGroup data is not imported or exported.
TFIFC_PREFS Specifies the directory for the tfifcprefs.rsc file.
  • The default directory is specified by TFDIR_PREFS.
  • When not defined, the directory is specified by _USTN_HOMEPREFS.
_IFC_EXP_GRID Specifies whether grids are exported.
  • When set to 0, grids are not exported
  • When set to 1, grids are exported, Default: 1