OpenBuildings™ Station Designer Help

Design History Configuration Variables

OpenBuildings™ Station Designer includes configuration variables to help set up all aspects of the design history.

The following table lists the configuration variables that affect Design History. Each configuration variable expects a valid value. An invalid value will not override a setting. You do not need to close and restart in order for the configuration variable change to take effect, unless noted otherwise below.

Variable Short name Description
MS_DESIGN_HISTORY_COMMIT_ON_SAVE Commit on save Specifies whether changes are committed to design history when the file is saved.
MS_DESIGN_HISTORY_COMMIT_ON_CLOSE Commit before close Specifies whether changes are committed to design history before the file is closed.
MS_DESIGN_HISTORY_COMMIT_ON_MODEL_SWITCH Commit on model switch Specifies whether changes are committed to design history when the model is switched.
MS_DESIGN_HISTORY_OWNERSHIP_WARNING Confirm when taking ownership Specifies whether you are prompted to confirm that you will take ownership of all uncommitted changes. You must close and restart for this change to take effect.
MS_DESIGN_HISTORY_COLORS Colors Specifies the symbology to use when identifying changed and unchanged elements. The value must be a list of up to six symbology descriptors, in the following order: added; deleted; changed; pre-changed; conflicts; background. A symbology descriptor is: {color,weight,style,transparency}, where color is a menu color index between 0 and 31, weight is a line weight between 0 and 31, style is a line style index between 0 and 7, and transparency is a value between 0 and 255. Use -1 for each aspect of element symbology that should not be changed. For example, {2,3,1,200}; {4,3,1,200}; {1,3,1,200}; {3,3,1,200}; {6,3,1,200}; {-1,-1,-1,-1} will draw a dotted hallo around affected elements in green, red, blue, cyan, or yellow without changing their symbology. The curly brackets may be omitted if only a color is specified. The default is: 2; 4; 1; 3; 6; 10 which means added elements are drawn in solid green, deleted in red, changed in blue, pre-changed in cyan, conflicts in yellow, and unchanged elements in medium gray.
MS_DESIGN_HISTORY_REVISION_NUMBER_FORMAT Revision number display format Allows you to change the appearance of the revision numbers . You must close and restart for this change to take effect.
MS_DESIGN_HISTORY Design History capabilities Allows users to create, delete, commit, browse, add tags, change descriptions, change authors, combine, retire, set version format, set version, and automatically upgrade design history. You must close and restart for this change to take effect.
MS_DESIGN_HISTORY_COMMIT_DOC_PROPERTIES Include document properties in design history? If set to 1 (the default), design history tracks changes to document properties such as Title, Author and Comment.