OpenBuildings™ Station Designer Help

Supported Database

OpenBuildings™ Station Designer supports many of the popular relational database software product families on the market today. Selecting the "right one" can be difficult as these databases represent a broad range in sophistication, performance and cost. You can implement anything from a simple single-user database on a computer to a full featured corporate network system with database servers and different vendor databases all interacting with the same design files.

Supported Database List

  • ODBC
    • Microsoft Access 2010 (64 bit)
    • Microsoft Access 2013 (64 bit)
    • SQL Server 2012 (64 bit)
    • SQL Server 2014 (64 bit)
    • Oracle 11g (64 bit)
    • Oracle 12c (64 bit)
    • Microsoft Access 2010 (64 bit)
    • Microsoft Access 2013 (64 bit)
    • SQL Server 2012 (64 bit)
    • SQL Server 2014 (64 bit)
    • Oracle 11g (64 bit)
    • Oracle 12c (64 bit)
  • Oracle
    • Oracle 11g (64 bit)
    • Oracle 12c (64 bit)